
Knowledge is Power {Back to Campus}

Hello Beautiful Readers,

Today will be the last post in my Back to Campus series. I want to center the focus of this post on knowledge and how lucky you are to be a student, if you are one. This may seem interesting to you, or not at all, but either way I want to address it.

If you are a student who is headed back to school, whether it is college or high school, you should be feeling excited and lucky. Now, you probably think I am crazy for thinking school is exciting, but hear me out:

Roughly, 70 million children are unable to attend school due to lack of money, resources or other issues. They will never have a chance to broaden their minds and learn these concepts we are exposed to in school. Most of them will not attend college either. Today, in the information age of the world, knowledge is literally power. It’s not about family or class, which can play a factor, but it’s about WHAT you know.

Don’t get me wrong, I do not love piles of homework and long research papers with nitty gritty instructions, but I do love that I am able to discuss world issues with my peers and talk about events in history and how they impact us today. This may seem pretty normal for some of us, but there are people in the world who will never have the same chance as you have to be educated.

I am not here to make you feel bad, by any means, but I want you to understand the blessing of having the opportunity to be educated. School is boring at times–I get it, but when you begin to engage in certain areas and become interested, you will find yourself in a happier environment. (Not a fact, but assuming)

We often times find ourselves getting overwhelmed with school work and actual work, and it’s almost too much. My marketing professor kind of inspired this post because his whole lecture on Friday was centered on this idea of knowledge and why it’s important today. He told us hard work is great but just because you worked hard doesn’t mean you are right or you’ve given what’s needed. This definitely sounds harsh, but when you think about it in a business/real world situation, people do not care about the input. They care about the output, what are they benefiting from you or your work.

This is a harsh reality, but if you are able to understand this I think life will be a little easier for you. Before you get offended for not being the best, think about what you know and see if there is anywhere you could better yourself. Being educated in today’s society is key to being successful. Being able to understand the past and how it’s events have impacted the present, but also being able to predict possibilities for the future can make you a valuable person in society.

So, the next time you are reading your text book or groaning about doing a research paper, just remember you don’t have to love the process but be thankful for the opportunity that you have to be educated.

Also, side note, I am not stating that college is the only way to be educated and successful. Success is measured in many different ways, you can be self-educated and still be successful. My point is to be thankful for the resources and opportunities that college does give you before you get angry about them.


Credit: Boss Babe

I hope this pot can change your perspective a little for the new school year. Go in with an open mind and a willingness to actually learn the material. I am also going to work on applying this concept more; I want to read up on the field I am interested in and be sure I follow the news of the markets. Learning can be fun when it is interesting to you.

I challenge all of my readers to truly apply yourself this semester, take care of your body & soul, get inspired and most of all, do your best. If you missed the other posts in this series I will link them below, make sure you read them all for max inspiration. I have brand new series beginning later this week, which I am really excited for, so stay tuned.

Vision Board | Happy & Healthy | Monday Mindset

Happy Labor Day & Happy Monday.

xo, Lyss

Monday Mindset {Back to Campus}

Hello Readers,

It’s another Monday, but this one is different for some of us; it’s the first day of classes. Whether you are starting classes today or just heading into the office, everybody usually dreads Monday’s. It’s the end of the weekend and the day seems to drag on, but fear not Monday’s are not all bad. Monday’s are all about mindset; you wake up and say “ugh, Monday!!” and then your day sucks. Life is about the perspective you have on it, if you can change your Monday mindset to “Hey, it’s a new week for me to accomplish something great”, then maybe you won’t dread Monday’s so bad.

I love Monday’s because they are the first step to a great week, if you can organize your weekly goals on Monday and make the best of the day, your whole perspective for the week will be changed. I figured this was a good topic to cover on my Back to Campus series because each week of classes starts on a Monday (usually).

Since I already gave a little rant on why Monday’s can be great, I’ll share a few of my favorite quotes that I like to keep around to keep me motivated everyday, but especially on Monday’s.

These are only a few of my favorites, but I love looking at new quotes every week. They  keep me inspired and motivated, plus they are cute. I found all of these on Pinterest, of course! You can create your own, or find them on the internet.

Just remember that each day is a gift, and even if you do have a bad Monday, don’t sweat it. Life is short, keep that day behind you and make the rest of the week great. Sure, we all have bad days but do not start the week with an “I hate Monday” mindset or your whole week is at risk of being ruined. Stay positive & attack the day.

I hope this little post will help you kick off a wonderful semester, it’s not really a guide or tips style post, but it’s important to have little motivation in the beginning of the semester. That is the main point of my Back to Campus series, not to show you my school clothes and supplies, but to share my insight on being motivated and healthy. I hope you are able to gain something from these posts, if not please stay tuned for a fashion filled week in the near future.

Today’s Challenge: Adjust your mindset from “I hate Monday & Summer is over” to “I can do this & It’s a brand new day to accomplish some goals”

Happy Monday Readers.

xo, Lyss 

Quote of the Day:


Making the Most of Your Time

Hello Cuties,

Everyday we are all given the same 24 hours, no one gets to cheat and get 25, we all are given an equal chance to make the most of what we are given. How are you going to make the most of today?

I really was not sure what to write about for today, but after doing some soul searching on Pinterest I decided this was a good topic. This does not only pertain to being productive, it also means making a life you love and working on that everyday. We are not promised a tomorrow, therefore we should make each day count.

In life we have responsibilities that can often overwhelm us and cause us to become stressed and clam up. We then fall into routine and the days start to be wasted.

A new semester is upon us and that means our deadlines and responsibilities are about to be filling our schedules. I want to encourage you to work at making everyday productive and worth your while. Set goals, make a bucket list and use an agenda; this will give you motivation and keep you on track. In my last post I shared one way I stay inspired and display my goals and that is by making a Vision Board. I also love using my agenda to organize my thoughts and deadlines, and I always keep a notebook handy for bright ideas. These things keep me inspired and motivated to stay productive.

Here are my tips to making the most of your time:

Make a Bucket List: Make this a small scale bucket list, what things you want to do by the end of the year, not just the end of your life. Take adventures with your best friends, take adventures alone and take time to find who you are and who you want to be. Make time for yourself.

Set Goals: What do you want to have accomplished by the end of the year? What do you want to have accomplished by summer? What is your ‘big’ goal for the year (Internship, new job, etc.) Make these goals realistic and obtainable.

Use a Planner: My planner is my life saver, a lot of people do not use a planner or agenda and I have no idea how. It keeps my responsibilities in one place, I know when all my deadlines are and I can have a visual of them. I suggest this to keep track of all your activities, it’s not the fun part of this whole time saving thing but it will help you manage your time.

Make a To-Do list: Lists aren’t for everyone but I personally like to make them to see what I have to accomplish in a day. This helps me be productive. The best tip in the book is always starting with your biggest task in the morning then working down the rest of the list throughout the day. Lists help you stay on track and accomplish more, therefore saving you precious time.

| Check out Team Boss Babe on Twitter & Instagram for some more amazing inspiration |

These are just my personal favorites to making them most of my days and time. This month my list of to-do’s is quite long, from building up my resume to finding a internship, I know I will be using these all to make each day count. Thank you all for reading today; I know this post was a spur of the moment for me, so I hope you still enjoyed reading it. Happy Wednesday!

Take a chance this week.

xo, Lyss



Vision Board {Back to Campus}

Hello Readers,

I am starting a new series here on my blog similar to other back to school series, but this one will be about how to mentally prepare to slay this school year. When a new semester rolls around life tends to pick up and we often get lost in the day to day routine. This back to school series is going to help guide you to having the best semester not only academically but personally.

I think the best way to start a new school year/semester is to organize and prioritize your goals, both short time and long term. I have recently created a vision board for myself to display my goals and dreams. Today, I am going to share what a vision board is and how you can create one for yourself.

A vision board can be anything from a piece of paper with your goals written on it to a cork board that you have decked out with photos and quotes to keep you inspired. For me, I chose the second option.

What you’ll need:

  • Cork board (size is your choice)
  • Cute push pins/tacks
  • Favorite quotes/photos
  • Goals/Dreams

A vision board is not only a way to display your goals and aspirations, but a way to get creative. I use my vision board not only for my goals but for a place to get inspired. I put pictures of my favorite things or important people in my life. It is a great way to stay inspired and see your goals on a daily basis.

When creating your vision board you can add stickers, colorful paper and whatever else you can get creative with. I like to use cut outs from magazines, especially fashion magazines. I am always inspired by magazines. Utilize things that inspire you!

Vision boards can also be used for mapping out projects or big goals, it is a great way to organize your thoughts in one place.

Here are some examples from Pinterest:

For the rest of this Back to Campus series I will be posting tips on self-love, staying motivated and staying healthy. I thought this would be a fun first post because there is no better way to start the semester other than laying out your goals and getting inspired. I love my vision board and how it turned out. Vision boards are also really flexible, so when you are feeling a change or you have new goal halfway through the semester you can just add it to the board. It keeps your mindset fresh and your goals in sight.

What are some ways you get motivated and stay inspired during the school year? I would love to hear your thoughts. The beginning of the semester can be tough, but starting strong with a good mindset will help you in the end.

Thank you all for reading the first post in my Back to Campus series, I hope you all loved it and can utilize the idea. Check back next week for another post in this new series! It is a new week and I wish all my beautiful readers a successful and productive week ahead.

Now, go make your amazing vision board; have fun, be creative and stay inspired!

Happy Monday.

xo, Lyss

Monday Motivation:


What It Means To Be a #Girlboss?

Hello Everyone,

Yes I am still here in France but after some observation of my peers I think this post is necessary.

Before I quit cheerleading this past year, I was having a lot of self-confidence issues. Being on the cheer team I never felt good enough, I felt too fat compared to the other girls, I felt negative about myself and the list goes on. There was a lot of back stabbing that occurred and I was becoming this negative person I was not proud of. I use to believe that I was confident and proud of who I was, but it wasn’t until I parted with cheer and started finding myself elsewhere. Starting this blog has helped me find the things I love, I have been able to put myself first and find myself in a new way. Putting yourself out there can be difficult, like blogging publicly, but it can be very freeing when you are receiving feedback and you are confident in yourself.

Coming on this study abroad trip has made me realize my own progress in becoming more confident in myself and my beliefs. I’m not only proud of myself for taking this leap of faith into adventure and mystery, but also for truly finding confidence in myself. I am not writing this to toot my own horn, it’s actually due to the realization that many of my peers, specifically the females in my group, struggle with confidence and owning who they are. I am here to change that because not too long ago I was that girl, I felt like my beauty and personality wasn’t enough. I think girls have it tough sometimes, we can never be too comfortable because that’s conceited but we also can’t be to insecure because then we are shamed. Girls need to learn to be comfortable in their skin and confident in there goals and values.

The past few months for me has been spent finding myself, I know that is commonly used and cheesy, but for as long as I can remember I have been defined as a cheerleader. In the past few months I have been finding myself in a new light, and this crazy adventure could not have been better timing for where I am in my life. It has inspired me in many ways.

My best friend, Tessa, bought me a custom necklace before I left that says “#girllboss” and on this trip so many people asked me what that means. I guess I have never thought thoroughly about how to define Girlboss or how it defines me; but after the many questions on this trip and the #Girlboss posts on my blog, I’ve come up with something. So thank you Tessa for helping define who I truly am…a #Girlboss. Thanks for a wonderful gift and friendship.

Girlboss is not about being an extreme feminist or being a controlling b*tch, it’s about being confident in yourself, loving yourself and inspiring others to do the same.  I say this because even when you don’t see the impact of these elements, other do, it shines brightly. On this trip, I have been having some of my friends take pictures of my in front of different sites or views, mostly for my blog but also for myself. One of the times that I was taking a picture one of the boys on the trip stepped in and called me conceited for taking so many pictures of myself. At first I became defensive about the comment, but then I realized that for the first time in a while I was being called conceited for loving myself, my body and my life. How is that a bad thing? I am in a beautiful country, with beautiful people and sites!?

Girlboss, defined by me as: A girl who loves herself and lives her life how she wants, aside from societal norms. A girl that encourages other girls to love themselves too! A girl that is smart and witty, but also knows how to let loose. A girl that is not afraid to be smarter than a man. A girl that seeks adventure, knowledge and success in all she does. 

I would choose to be called conceited over insecure any day. This is why I say girls can never win the confidence game, we either don’t have enough or we have too much, it’s a crime if you pose a threat to being completely content with yourself. I know society likes to tell us we need to change, we need to be this perfect shape and this perfect housewife or we are below men when it comes to brains. Sorry to get all feminist but it’s sadly true. This is why I am accepting of the “being conceited” comment because I think it’s important to be conceited at times. In life you are the only you there is and if you’re not conceited for yourself sometimes, who will be!? Now there is a difference between being overly conceited and being humble. Always be humble, but don’t cut yourself short because society tells you to. Go take pictures of yourself, go start your own company and be a CEO, do whatever your beautiful soul desires.

I am writing this for the girls on my trip, and girls everywhere, who are insecure about taking pictures of themselves or nervous to be their true selves in fear of being judged for being conceited or too much. I know you are fearful that you’re not enough or your thighs are too big or too small, but trust me your gorgeous. You may be thinking it’s easy for me to say because I am small or pretty or something, but I use to feel the same way and I’ve been there. Girls of all shapes, sizes and ages feel the same things, trust me. Once you learn to accept your flaws and embrace them rather than pick at them daily, you will be one step closer to confidence. We always are comparing and judging ourselves to women who are not at the same level or place as us. You’re not going to look like a model because you do not have a make-up team and stylist at your side, and that’s okay. You have to look at where you are in life, be thankful for that and keep moving forward with a positive attitude.

Accepting these things will open a new door for you. I have been working on fixing my negative attitude toward myself over the past few months, and I did not see any crazy changes but clearly others have around me. I am back to joking and being myself with others very quickly, rather than being the quiet and unsure girl. I don’t think you ever realize when you are fully confident until other start seeing it, and that is a beautiful moment because being confident with yourself in a judgmental society can be very difficult.


Often times we look to others for inspiration but while we are looking one way for inspiration, someone else is looking to you for their inspiration and we do not realize it. Stop comparing yourself and start being yourself, that’s important to someone out there and if it’s not it’s important to your health. You may not realize the people you are impacting but one day someone may photo bomb you and tell you that you’re conceited or something and you may think “ouch”, but then you will realize you are no longer the insecure quiet girl.

It’s okay to be a powerful woman, I promise. It’s okay to take pictures of yourself, I promise. It’s okay to be proud of your accomplishments, I promise. It’s okay to be a little conceited, I promise. Be smart, be proud and be you.

After encouraging the other girls in my friend group to be more confident and not be afraid to take pictures of themselves, yesterday we had a break through and they all wanted solo pics and it ended up being a really fun day because we all were having so much fun posing for pictures. I think self-confidence is important and the world needs more of it. Encourage others to be the best version of themselves, because sometimes they don’t believe it and they need the reminder.

So here is a shout out to the girls in my group: You are stronger than you believe and more courageous than most simply because you are here in a foreign country. Not everyone has the strength and courage to travel to a foreign country for 6 weeks to study a second language and live with complete strangers. So if you are even doubting yourself or abilities the slightest bit, maybe it is time to evaluate how far you have come and realize you are person filled with adventure, strength and confidence… you just have to believe it too.

Here are some encouraging photos to go along with this post:





I am proud to call myself a Girlboss and you should be too. Thank you all for reading my posts, even when I am gone! Keep up with me on my journey by subscribing below or following my Instagram.

Happy Tuesday & cheers to the new week.

xo, Lyss 

My Favorite Ways to Get Fit

Hello Beautiful Readers,

I have been so happy to be getting back into my workout routine lately. It can be hard to get motivated to go to the gym or get a workout in but it doesn’t have to be. Over the past year, I have been able to find some workouts I really love and they make it a little easier to find motivation to get up and go.

Although I used the word “routine”, I am not one to fall into a workout routine. I need change or else I become very bored with the activity I am doing. But, that’s okay in today’s world because there are so many options to get your daily sweat on beyond the gym walls.

I am going to share my favorite ways to workout in the gym and outdoors, as well as my favorite group exercise classes.

In the Gym:

I really do not like using machines, I’d rather use my own body to workout just because it engages more muscles but I am not opposed to using machines. For cardio, I often use an elliptical that goes side to side rather than just the standard up and down. This burns more calories and engages more leg muscles. I also like to use a stair stepper because not only do you burn a lot of calories and break a sweat, but you also engage your core.

Recently, I have been doing 10-15 minutes on each machine to really burn the calories and also change up my cardio. I get bored on machines very quickly, therefore changing them up helps me stay interested. My advice to you would be to find one or two machines you like and alternate between them to maximize muscle engagement and amount of calories burned.

For strength building, I do a lot of core, and I am guilty of neglecting arm workouts. I like to use a medicine ball and a yoga ball for ab workouts. I’ll add some links of some of the workouts I use the most at the gym. I usually pick a variation of the workouts below when I am at the gym. For arms, I often do push-ups and light weight lifting. Once again, I am not super knowledgeable on arm workouts. For both legs and arms I will sometimes resort to using machines because I know limited machine-less workouts for those areas. Squats are one way, and cardio sometimes can include a leg workout.

Medicine Ball workouts | Accordion Crunch | Ab Workouts


I love/hate running. Running outside is one of my favorite activities, especially in the summer, but I have encountered some knee issues lately that have restricted this activity. I enjoy going for 2-4 mile run because it clears the mind and boosts endorphin’s, along with other health benefits. If you like running or if you don’t, try taking a nice run outdoors, it’s a great work out and good for your soul.

I, sometimes, like to do my ab and arm workouts outdoors after I run or some post-run yoga stretches. It helps me cool down after my run and embrace the sun shiny day. (if the weather permits)

Group Classes:

Spinning has been my new obsession. I have attended about 4 spin classes now and I am hooked. Spinning burns hella calories and it is so much fun. Since you are in a class setting, they encourage you to work harder and you achieve more than you probably could on your own. We average about 20 miles per class along with burning 400-600 calories. (Depending on your weight & resistance/speed) It’s an amazing workout that leaves you energized and dead tired all at the same time.


Hot yoga is also another one of my obsessions. This is my favorite ways to break a sweat; you not only feel completely refreshed and relaxed after but you just engaged your whole body in a workout. I love it! This is also a great stress relief as I mention in my post Funky Buddha & Coffee. I enjoy taking a yoga class at the end of a week to relax from the more intense workouts.

GROOVE is another great way to get your sweat on; GROOVE is a dance for fitness class that gets your body moving and you soul grooving. It’s super fun and you basically get to dance your heart out while engaging your whole body in a workout. If you are unfamiliar with the activity I will share a link on the new sensation here.


*Disclaimer: These workouts may not work for everyone, these are just ways that I enjoy working out and getting fit. These are things I have collected from the internet, friends, mentors and through participating in sports. I chose to share them with all of you because hopefully you will find a new workout to try and find a new motivation.

Working out does not have to be so disciplined and tough, if you make it a passion or hobby you will find so much more success in it. I do not work out hard core everyday, nor do I eat a strict diet; It’s more about taking care of yourself and respecting your body.b4217f5af2279ba38ce5858fe40e5f78 You only have one body, treat it with care but that doesn’t mean don’t eat a cupcake. Enjoy being healthy rather than making it a chore.

I am not a health expert, nor am I really a die hard trainer but I do know finding motivation to work out is hard and if you can make it fun the task becomes easier. Working out keeps your mind and body healthy, it helps improve digestion and your immune system, along with releasing endorphin and improving mental health. I don’t always love to work out, but when I do I feel 100x better after the fact. I have more energy, I am more focused and I am happy & stress free.

Thanks for reading today! I hope you liked this new kind of post, if you did let me know in the comments. I hope you are inspired to try a new group exercise class after this or find a new way to sweat. Don’t miss any posts by subscribing below, it’s about to be a great summer and I want you all there with me. Thanks again for reading and I’ll see you again soon.

Happy Hump-Day.




Just a Thought From Yours Truly.

Hello Beautiful Readers,

Happy Monday and once again I apologize for my absence lately, it’s been a busy two weeks. But, I am almost finished with my Sophomore year of college and it’s been crazy. So many things have changed since August, it’s almost unreal. This change has been bittersweet, there has been things that I thought would never end the way they did (cheer) and there are things that I could not be more happy to have left behind. (toxic friends)

My life this semester has been quite different, but I have found myself being more confident and comfortable with my life. I am not afraid of others thoughts, I can dance in public and careless about what some stranger has to say. It’s a beautiful feeling. Being confident is not always an easy task, hell I have bad days still. For example right now, finals have got me stressed to the max. I have had hardcore writers block along with bad breakouts, my self-confidence is at 0. But, everyday is a new day to wake up and be optimistic about the day.

But, enough about me, the point here is:


Yes, this quote relates to my story because my life was so different only 6 months ago. Where I am today seemed impossible then. But, this quote also relates to finals week too. Finals always seem impossible until they are complete. Although they seem impossible at times, we are forced to take them and in the end we are okay.

I wanted to share this quote because it relates to both a large and small scale. On a large scale, you could be feeling stuck in a deep rut that feels never ending and impossible but before you know it you will beyond the tough times. On a small scale like finals, it can seem so stressful and terrible, but once they are complete and grades are in you find ease once again.

The moral of the story here is that no matter what the obstacle may be, big or small, attack it head on everyday because although it may seem quite impossible it is truly possible if you believe. That sounds completely cheesy, but if you give yourself the chance to be great you will. Don’t set yourself to the standards of society, be comfortable with who you want to be and believe that you are greater than you know.

I’ve been telling one of my best friends this the past couple of weeks because I often hear her degrade herself based on how other women look, when she is by far one of the prettiest people I know. She does not wear lots of make up and she has such a classic style, I admire that. Girls think they have to cake on make up to be pretty and while she is more worried about her thighs, I am jealous over how pretty she looks naturally. Basically, it’s a never ending cycle.

Find your self-confidence and break out of your comfort zone because that’s when you will find yourself doing things you once thought were impossible. Once again, I’m no expert and I don’t think any of us will ever be. The take away here is just to try. Start each day with affirmations, surround yourself with good people and be inspired by the world.

Remember, what seems impossible today will one day be your warm up.

Thanks for reading today and I hope your Monday was far from crappy. Stay tuned for a post coming later this week about a little downtown adventure to close this wonderful semester. Thanks again.




End of the Semester Motivation.

Hello Readers,

The winter semester is finally coming to a close and it’s time to dig up that last ounce of motivation. I did a post similar to this back in the fall semester and I think it is fitting to do a new spring themed one, the weather is changing and it’s time to get back into that happy lifestyle. We have about 2-3 weeks left, depending on your university, and it’s time to buckle down. Finals are fast approaching, along with endless research assignments and last minute quizzes. So…

Where do you begin?


The trick is to “Just Start” somewhere, anywhere. If you sit down and dive right into an assignment, you are one step closer to being done. I really tried to do this technique this past weekend, but the weather made it inevitable. But, this is the best way to accomplish anything. Using this mentality for finals week will make you get ahead quicker than you think. Just keep moving!

Today, I am going to give you best advice to enjoy the weather but get s**t done while you are at it.

Get organized…today

You need to layout your last couple weeks, this will not only reduce stress and anxiety, but it will make you feel more accomplished with each assignment you finish. Hopefully you have been utilizing an agenda, if so then write in all your due dates, along with final exam times. Another thing I do on top of that is make a separate list with everything that needs to be accomplished that week. That way, when I finish something I can cross it off the list.

Take breaks

This is the part where you enjoy the weather. I have never been one to cram in the first place, but I am a true believer in getting out of your study brain and taking a break. For example, a friend and I went to the beach to see the the sunset the other day. It was a simple 2-3 hour trip that allowed me to step back from the week and breathe. Another break idea if you are cramming is to study in 30-40 minute intervals, then take 15 minute breaks. This keeps your mind fresh and makes retaining information easier then non-stop studying.

Find a study spot

I love my library, but during this time of the year it is packed full. Finding a new study spot is key. I enjoy heading downtown to a cozy coffee shop because they are less packed, quiet and there is coffee. I am also the most productive in these settings. You can pick any place really, just make sure you can be productive and comfortable.

Water & Snacks

You’re right in the middle of studying and all of a sudden your stomach growls, you haven’t eaten all day. My best advice is to always pack some snacks and water. Hydration is important always, but even more crucial when you are supposed to be on top of your game. Snacks help you stay focused as well because you won’t have to leave your focused zone to go find food. Pull out your inner soccer mom and pack a cooler.


My favorite of all…sleep. Getting enough sleep during these last few weeks in crucial to keeping your mind sharp. Pulling all-nighters is not the key to success. Sleeping will help you be more awake and retain the stuff you are studying better. So, do not follow the crowd  mentality and sleep in the library, go home get your 8 hours and start early the next day.

These are just a few of my personal tips, there are endless ways to prepare for this week but we all know the best is when it’s over. Exams are important but so is our mental healthy and stability. Treat yourself. When you accomplish a large task, celebrate with an exhilarating outdoor workout or a pizza for that matter. What ever feeds your soul, do it. In the end, all the study time and exams will just be the past. Always remember that everything happens for a reason and things will always work out one way or another.

Now I’ll share some of my favorite quotes that will hopefully give you a little mental motivation for the weeks ahead:

Thank you for reading this short post today, once again I will be crazy busy this next week and I will do my best to post. I should have a #GirlBoss at some point this week so keep your eyes open for that. I wish you the best of luck and strength to make it through the semester. Just dig deep to find that last ounce of motivation and focus. Good luck on finals and remember, you can do this!

Happy Monday.



#GirlBoss [Heather Winia]

Hello Lovely Readers,

It’s that time again…#GirlBoss! This is my fourth #GirlBoss post in the series and I want to know everyone’s thoughts so far, what questions do you have for these powerful women that I have not yet included?

This weeks feature is a spunky fitness instructor and energetic mother, who truly encourages and empowers other women to be confident & positive. I am so excited for you all to get to know her. She has been my amazing dance for fitness instructor this whole semester and she helps me start my Monday’s & Wednesday’s on a positive foot. So, I present you with the wonderful Heather Winia:

What’s your story? 

WHO AM I?  Such a great question I think we all ask ourselves many times throughout our lives.

Here’s what I can tell you.

My name is Heather Winia and I am a proud mama of three beautifully, unique and amazing daughters.  I am an educator and Master Trainer for The World GROOVE Movement, which has connected me with a tribe of conscious truth seekers and speakers from all over the world.   I am a part-time professor at GVSU inspiring health and fitness and I am full-time lover of all things that feel really good.  Some of those things for me are spending time outdoors, getting my feet in the grass/sand and my face in the sun!   I enjoy moving my body in deeply nourishing ways and YES, I also enjoy my body, which hasn’t always been the case and is hard for most women.   I LOVE food, do NOT restrict my eating or my choices and I am all the better for it!  I consider myself a flexitarian, which means I get to eat whatever I want, whenever I want…so flexible and freeing!

I have experienced great loss in my life, first my husband left this physical world 4 years ago followed by my sister a year later.   Yet, each day I know I am blessed to wake up.  It is a gift given to me and I have gifts that I get to share with this world.   People say to me often, “I don’t know how you do it”, and all I can say is I have two choices: to NOT participate in this amazing life while I am here or to FULLY engage in this amazing life while I am here.  One of those sounds much better than the other and that is what I choose every day.  Life is too short to waste on negativity, living in ways that don’t feel good and holding onto “shoulds”, “have tos” and ‘musts”.

Favorite Quote?

One of my favorite quotes is “If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always gotten.”  So many people keep trying things the same way expecting different results.  Another name for that is insanity.  I hope that I can inspire others to live fully the way that feels good to them without any rules or regulations.  This is YOUR LIFE and you only get one, so choose things that feel INCREDIBLE each and every day!

Daily or morning routine?

A regular practice of feel good activities is important.  For me, before I go to bed each night, I set my alarm and reflect on a positive affirmation.  My alarm app is Spirit Junkie ( and it gives me a new affirmation each day.  I am passionate about getting a good night sleep (bed by 11pm) so that I wake up refreshed.  In the morning, before I open my eyes, my mind becomes conscious and I begin my gratitude practice.  Simply running through things in my mind I am grateful for, people, events and even situations that don’t seem great, but are teaching me something and helping me grow.  I then begin to stretch my body, being grateful for all it does for me each day.  When my feet hit the floor, I am aware that today is a gift and I get to create it!  I drink a glass of room temperature water before anything else and then I’m off and running.  Kids, school, house cleaning, bills, the dog, friends, groceries and an attitude of gratitude for it all.  If I didn’t love it and it didn’t feel good, it would be my job and my pleasure to change it until it did.   Lyrics from a really good song say it best. “Life is short to play silly games.” (Perfect by Fairground Attraction  This is a great song to sing at the top of your lungs and of course we DANCE to it in GROOVE sessions all the time.  And I cannot forget, DANCING and SINGING are two priorities I schedule in EVERYday to make me feel amazing!!!  It is my hope that everyone dances through life, using their voice for truth and confidently knowing you cannot get your life wrong, just try it and see!  If it isn’t working, make a different choice.  It really can be that simple!  No drama, confusion or expectations, just simplicity because SIMPLICITY FEEDS YOUR SOUL!


I was so thrilled to be able to have Heather be a feature on #GirlBoss this week. I have been so inspired and empowered by her this semester and I know through her line of work she has done this to hundreds of women. She is the perfect example of why I started this #GirlBoss series, to find women who empower and inspire other women to be their best self and not judge one another.

In our dance for fitness class, we test our fears and break barriers to find our most free and happy self. I LOVE this aspect, it really starts my day in an amazing, positive way. This class has taught me to be more carefree about what others are thinking about me, and I think that is what the point of GROOVE is. Besides being an awesome way to get fit, I think it is a program that teaches people to free themselves and express themselves through dance. It really is a freeing experience if you allow yourself to be fully engaged. If you are a GVSU student I highly recommend her as an instructor, and if you are not I encourage you all to try a GROOVE class sometime. It is such a fun experience!

Today’s Quote from me:


I picked this quote because I felt like it went well with my #GirlBoss feature. We as people, especially women, often feel as though we need to be like everyone else because we fear that if they act different, we will be weird. I wish we could break this norm and realize that being the same is boring, the world is more beautiful when people act like themselves and be who they want to be. Women are constantly held to this standard, we have to have this “perfect” look to impress guys and we have to wear expensive clothes to fit in with the other girls, but we absolutely do not have to. So, if you are finding yourself trying to fit the norms of society…STOP! Be yourself, don’t be the same be better. Being the same is boring; be bright, “weird” and most of all be yourself.

Thank you all for reading this weeks #GirlBoss, I hope you all love it! Remember to share this post with friends and family, if you like it.  Also, subscribe to keep getting all my newest posts. This weekend is the UICA Color of the Year event and I will be attending the opening to bring you a review on the works of art.Also, next week I will be attending another Fashion Show with Simply Tess, so be sure to tune in for an amazing post on that. Thank you again for reading today.

Happy Wednesday.




Work, Work, Work

Hello Readers,

I haven’t been able to post a little inspirational post for you in awhile, so here it is. I have been really busy with school, working every weekend, study abroad requirements and networking for my blog. This has been so draining at times, there are just days I completely lose my motivation and basically accomplish nothing. That’s okay sometimes, but also damaging other times.

Although my schedule has been jam-packed, I enjoy being busy, I actually prefer it and I have definitely been busy lately. But, I have to say I am so happy with my life right now. I am truly doing things I love. As many of you know I quit a sport I loved after 9 years of participation, and I thought I would be lost, but I am completely found. I have been able to mold into a person I want to be, there has been a few bumps and breakdowns but ultimately I have never been more excited about life. I have been filling my schedule with meetings and work shifts, but I have also been able to reach my highest number of viewers which means a lot to me.

Anyway, all this rambling leads me to a very fitting quote to those busy people out there:


“Nothing will work unless you do”

This could not be more true; we often sit here and wish we could do this or that, but we never do. At first my blog was a little bumpy, I kept looking at other fashion blogs saying I want that, well guess what? I finally changed that and worked to reach out to local designers, artists and fashion schools and so far it looks like I am making amazing connections. Without the pride to stand up and change my perspective, I wouldn’t be bringing you guys great stories. (not to toot my own horn, but really!) I already love the direction my blog is taking after one event. I have another interview today with two talented local designers and artists that own their shop. (Post next week!) They are going to be featured in Grand Rapids event called Art.Downtown.

The point of this quote is to remind you that to see results you have to work your ass off, not just sit back and think everything will come to you. I can tell you right now it will not. You have to work for it, pull some strings and make some changes. Back to my quitting example, I had to give up something to achieve something else. My blog, and my life, would not be where it is today if I was still a cheerleader. Although that may not be a bad thing, I could not be happier to be where I am.

I am working on creating a blog with great content and also working to study abroad for six weeks this summer. The process is not always fun but the process is where you get your hands dirty and the work factor comes into play. Nothing is going to end up how you want them to unless you are willing to get your hands dirty in the process. So, for all you busy people out there: keep working hard toward your goals, give yourself a mental break when needed but always remember, nothing will work unless you do. 

Thank you all for reading this little quote, I know I talked a lot about myself, but I just wanted to give an example of how working hard for something can show results. Feel free to share your stories with me in the comments or on Twitter. I’d love to hear your accomplishments. Also, check out the Color of the Year event under my News tab above, I’ll be covering this event in April. I hope you all have a wonderful Friday and rest of the weekend.


