
Liebster Award

Hello Cuties,

The-Liebster-Award-pastel-550x550  I recently was nominated for the Liebster Award by Finding Peace Inside , so thank you to her for challenging me with a new post. I am truly honored and so excited to share a little about myself with my readers, as well as connect with the blogging community. This is a new style of post for me but I am hoping you all can learn a little about me and connect with some of my favorite bloggers. Blogging is all about gaining connections and finding inspiration through other blogs.

So, what is the Liebster Award? This is an award that connects bloggers all across the internet. This award dates back to about 2011, it’s a great way to connect with other bloggers, as well as find your new favorites. Liebster in German means sweetest, kindest, nicest, dearest, beloved, lovely, kind, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing, and welcome. So, I am picking my favorite bloggers to be nominated, which I hope some of them will become your favorite too. Let’s get started…

So, this is how it works…

The rules:

  • Thank the blogger that nominated you
  • Write 11 random facts about yourself
  • Answer the 11 questions asked by the blogger that nominated you
  • Nominate 5 to 11 other bloggers and let them know they’ve been nominated
  • Come up with 11 questions for the bloggers you’re nominating

Random Facts:

  1. I love a good vanilla latte
  2. I was a college cheerleader for 2 years
  3. I learned to use a sewing machine at age 6
  4. My favorite color is sea foam green
  5. My favorite book is Leave Your Mark by Aliza Licht
  6. I think mermaids could be real…
  7. I love the ocean and stars because they are fasicnating & mostly undiscovered
  8. If traveling didn’t cost money you would never see me again
  9. Fashion is my passion
  10. I love meeting new people, especially from other countries
  11. & lastly, I can speak a little French

Answers to questions:

  • If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you be? I would definitely be back in Paris, sipping a coffee and people watching in a cafe. I also wouldn’t mind being somewhere in England, exploring the green hills or drinking in a pub.
  • What are two things your are very thankful for? I am very thankful for the adventures  I have been able to take before age 20 and my family & friends; without these things I would not be the person I am today. My family and friends have supported me in all my endeavors and my adventures have all taught me lessons that changed my life in some way.
  • Would you rather go star gazing or have a movie night with friends?  Stargazing for sure, the stars are so fascinating to me, as I mentioned above in my facts. I think it is amazing that so much of space is untouched, the stars are so raw and mysterious.
  • What are four things that make you happy?  Traveling, coffee, cats and spending time with friends
  • What’s one interesting fact about your family?  Our heritage is mostly Native American.
  • Coolest thing you’ve done recently?   Traveled to France and studied French for 6 weeks, while living with a host family.
  • What is one word you’re described as a lot?  Inspiring
  • Have you visited any countries outside of your own? Which ones? Yes; France, England, Bahamas, Canada & Monaco.
  • What is one way you love others? Hugs.
  • Forest or city? Both!
  • What’s your favorite number and why?  13 & I do not know why.

My nominations…

Simply Tess

A Touch of Tulle

Where the Wild Flowers Are


From Fashion With Love

My Questions:

  1. Favorite thing to do on a rainy day?
  2. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be?
  3. Mountains or Ocean? Why?
  4. What’s your favorite quote?
  5. What inspires you?
  6. Five things that make you happy?
  7. Something people don’t usually know about you?
  8. What are two things you couldn’t live without?
  9. What is something you are thankful for?
  10. What is your dream job/career?
  11. Why did you start blogging?

I hope you all enjoyed this post, don’t forget to go check out Finding Peace Inside, as well as the other nominated blogs. If you were nominated, you do not have to feel obligated to participate but this was definitely a fun way to share more about yourself with your readers beyond your content. I wish you all a productive Wednesday, don’t forget to think positive!

Cheers to the middle of the week.

xo, Lyss

Quote of the Day:





Making the Most of Your Time

Hello Cuties,

Everyday we are all given the same 24 hours, no one gets to cheat and get 25, we all are given an equal chance to make the most of what we are given. How are you going to make the most of today?

I really was not sure what to write about for today, but after doing some soul searching on Pinterest I decided this was a good topic. This does not only pertain to being productive, it also means making a life you love and working on that everyday. We are not promised a tomorrow, therefore we should make each day count.

In life we have responsibilities that can often overwhelm us and cause us to become stressed and clam up. We then fall into routine and the days start to be wasted.

A new semester is upon us and that means our deadlines and responsibilities are about to be filling our schedules. I want to encourage you to work at making everyday productive and worth your while. Set goals, make a bucket list and use an agenda; this will give you motivation and keep you on track. In my last post I shared one way I stay inspired and display my goals and that is by making a Vision Board. I also love using my agenda to organize my thoughts and deadlines, and I always keep a notebook handy for bright ideas. These things keep me inspired and motivated to stay productive.

Here are my tips to making the most of your time:

Make a Bucket List: Make this a small scale bucket list, what things you want to do by the end of the year, not just the end of your life. Take adventures with your best friends, take adventures alone and take time to find who you are and who you want to be. Make time for yourself.

Set Goals: What do you want to have accomplished by the end of the year? What do you want to have accomplished by summer? What is your ‘big’ goal for the year (Internship, new job, etc.) Make these goals realistic and obtainable.

Use a Planner: My planner is my life saver, a lot of people do not use a planner or agenda and I have no idea how. It keeps my responsibilities in one place, I know when all my deadlines are and I can have a visual of them. I suggest this to keep track of all your activities, it’s not the fun part of this whole time saving thing but it will help you manage your time.

Make a To-Do list: Lists aren’t for everyone but I personally like to make them to see what I have to accomplish in a day. This helps me be productive. The best tip in the book is always starting with your biggest task in the morning then working down the rest of the list throughout the day. Lists help you stay on track and accomplish more, therefore saving you precious time.

| Check out Team Boss Babe on Twitter & Instagram for some more amazing inspiration |

These are just my personal favorites to making them most of my days and time. This month my list of to-do’s is quite long, from building up my resume to finding a internship, I know I will be using these all to make each day count. Thank you all for reading today; I know this post was a spur of the moment for me, so I hope you still enjoyed reading it. Happy Wednesday!

Take a chance this week.

xo, Lyss



A Note Before My Departure

Bonjour tout la Monde // Hello Everyone, 

Tomorrow is the day that I leave for France and before I left the country I wanted to do some house keeping on my blog. When I am in France I will not have the same access to internet as I do here, therefore I will probably only be able to post once a week or so. These will be spontaneous posts, so it is important that you subscribe to my email list below to catch all my posts.

Here are all my social media handles too:

Instagram: @betweenvogue_vangogh | Twitter: @Vogue_VanGogh |

Facebook Page: Vogue & Van Gogh

Also, when I am abroad my content in my travel posts will be a slightly different than my usual posts. I am going to share an insight on my travels and some of my outfits. I want to share my adventures with you but I also want to be able to enjoy every moment to the fullest, therefore I do not want to be behind my computer too much. I hope you all will keep up with me and feel free to share any of your travel stories with me along the way.

I will be in France for about 6 weeks and I will return to the States on July 31st. You can follow me through Paris, Bastille Day, living with a host family in Nice & eating all the amazing French food, all right here!


Check out my packing series: Packing for 6 Weeks in France & What’s in My Carry-On?

Check out my fashion forecast for France here!

My plane departs tomorrow at 5:35, my next post will probably once I arrive in Nice which will be next week sometime. I start in Paris for the first 3 days then we train to Nice on Monday, once we arrive I have to take an exam and get settled so give me some time. I hope you all stay connected on my crazy adventure and keep up with me on social media. As they say in France, Bon Voyage!

See you soon readers! // à bientôt! 

xo, Lyss 

While I am out of the office for a bit, check out some oldies but goodies:

Why Quitting Shouldn’t be Seen as Failure

3 Ways to Wear Denim this Season

Book Review: Leave Your Mark


Real Talk: Loving in the Eyes of Divorce

Hello Everyone,

Today I am going to address a more touchy subject for some, a subject that is also kind of personal to me. I have briefly mentioned it in previous posts that my parents are divorced, and I do not do this for sympathy or attention, it’s just the facts. Anyway, my parents have been divorced since I was two, so I am really not sensitive to the matter anymore.

The reason I bring up this topic is because of the way it has impacted how I love in life, in both negative and positive ways. Now, let me start by saying I love both of my parents very much and this post is not directed to hurt them or be a “shame-on-them” deal, it’s for other young adults out there who have gone through similar situations.

As I said before, these Real Talk posts are meant to be a common ground, to make an outsider not feel so alone in this crazy world. I do not want these to seem like a pity party or an all about me, but they will be my personal stories and views that you can take how you will. These are just real facts of life that we don’t always want to talk about, but they are there. This helps us connect on topics we may think we are alone on.

So, on to the topic of loving after watching your parents get divorced or even be divorced multiple times. Starting with some negatives…

It’s a lot harder to fully trust someone after witnessing you mom/dad crying on the floor, broken from a person who walked away. Nothing is set in stone in this world. Someone can wake up at anytime and be like “I don’t love you anymore” and just leave without any regrets or remorse. This is a very pessimistic view to have, but it is true and real. It happens. I’ve tried to explain this concept to my own boyfriend because I constantly ask him if he “really” loves me or if he “really” wants me for forever; and it’s hard to express this feeling. It’s not that I don’t trust him because I do, but like there is that small piece of me that will never fully allow someone to get all the way in.

I don’t mean to have it but it’s there.

Another disadvantage is you love differently, now this one is not necessarily bad, it’s just you love different. This can depend on the person, you could be a person that loves more passionately and holds on to your relationships a lot tighter, in fear that they may be lost or you could be a person who is very closed off and has a hard time opening up. I think I fall somewhere in the middle, as I mentioned before I question the relationship often. Will it last? Does he really love me? Why does he want me? Etc..

A positive to the situation though is that you learn from your parents mistakes. You seek a relationship where the other person treats you better than your father treated your mother or vice versa. You are more caring and emphatic to your partner, after all you wiped you moms tears and hugged your dad after every argument. You appreciate the small things because you know those are what really matter in a relationship. You are more passionate, you know that relationships are not always easy and they require work.

So, in the end, divorce truly does suck and it affects everyone involved. But, I think kids that come from a divorced family love stronger and care more deeply for their partners. They know when to forgive and forget and when to hold on. It can cause some issues in the beginning when you are scared to love and not ready to trust. But, overall just remember everyone is different and just because your parents may have got a divorce, that does not mean you are destined to have the same fate. I am sharing a quote at the bottom of this post that sums up the perspective you should have. Yes, you can focus on what your parents have done or gone through or you can look at it and say I’m going to change this. Focus on what could go right in your relationships rather than what’s going to go wrong. 

 Love is a beautiful thing and I may be young, but I know if you hold on to something and work on it everyday, you’ll never lose it. It’s like the grass outside, if you stop watering it, it dies. But, when you water it and fertilize it, the grass grows happy and tall. Relationships work the same way. If you don’t take care of them you can’t be upset when they die. That’s the moral of the story. 

Thank you for reading my second Real Talk in the series. This one was a little more open and I am/was nervous to post it, so I hope you liked it. Let me know if you have gone through similar things, I would love to connect with you. Also, let me know what Real Talks you would like to see in the future. Thank you again for reading and I wish you the best Wednesday.

If you missed the last one you can read it here

xo, Lyss

Wednesday’s Quote:

Trend Forecast: American Summer

Hello Pretty People,

Last week I shared a Trend Forecast about hot summer styles from across the pond, this was French Fashion edition, but this week I wanted to share my favorite American summer styles. Nothing is better than a great American summer, from late night bonfires to days on the lake, I am sharing the perfect style look-book for your American Summer.

These are looks that I have found on Pinterest that reflect my favorite styles for summer and some that are new to this season. Check them out and share with me some of your favorites in the comments.

The Music Festival Look:

Music festivals are a big part of an American Summer, recently they have become a huge style icon for Boho and hippie looks. Popular festivals include Coachella and Bonaroo, many celebrities attend these events and create the hot trends of the summer. In the pictures above you see the style follows a relaxed boho feel, including flowy shorts and laced crop tops, both staple pieces in this look. Using lots of neutral colors and accessorizing with hats and gold jewelry, completes this summer look.

Check out PacSun to find similar styles.

Beach Babe Look:

This is one of my favorite looks of the summer, pairing my favorite denim shorts with a short sleeved tee or light weight button up. Your beach style can be unique to your own personal style, all these pictures are slightly different. If you are skater babe then the first picture is the perfect outfit for you, if you are into more classy looks the second picture is more for you and if you are a girl that seeks comfort then the third outfit is perfect for you. Once again, beach styles are completely flexible to your taste. These are just a few of my favorites. I live on a inland lake, so my beach style is something easy to slip on and off when I hop on the boat for a day of soaking up the sun.

Check out these brands for similar looks:

Roxy | Billabong | American Eagle

Bonfire Look:

An American summer is not complete without a bonfire party, a few good drinks paired with great friends is the perfect way to spend a Saturday night in July. Some of my favorites summer memories are from nights spent with friends around a campfire. All you need to complete this comfy look is a big chunky cardigan, favorite shorts and a cute lace bralette. Once again these looks are going to be tailored to your style, the middle option is if you are more into a girly style and the third look is more laid back for the tom-girls out there. Either styles are cute!

Find the similar styles at these stores:

Aerie | American Eagle | PacSun

Summer Soiree Look:

Whether you are attending a wedding or a baby shower, these styles are prefect. This season I am loving blue hues, they are so bright and refreshing. I have a dress similar to the first one above, I wore this to a family brunch and it was perfect for the event. Dresses are another versatile piece that you can mess with in the summer, you can pick relaxed style dresses (middle picture) or a more complex dress (third picture), it is all based on your style. I own both styles because some days I want to just wear a dress out and about, then there are times that I need a more complex dress for events and dinner parties.

Here are a few of my favorite places to find the perfect dress:

Kohls | Dry Goods | Forever 21 | TJ Maxx 


No outfit is complete without the perfect pair of shoes, I am a lover of summer shoes because your options are endless unlike in the winter when you have one option…boots. I chose these 3 to feature because they are a favorite of mine but I will link some brands below that carry many different styles to build your summer shoe wardrobe. My biggest tip for choosing shoes this summer is own a variety, you need a pair of closed toed slip-ons, dressy wedges or heels and some sandals for everyday wear. This will keep your feet looking fresh and better compliment your outfit.

Here is where you can find similar looks:

Sperry | Toms | Sanuk | Birkenstock


These three hairstyles have been trending in the past year, especially the two french braid style. We loved them in grade school and now they’re back for our 20’s. Beach waves are always a hot summer hairstyle, its that fresh out of the ocean hair that we seek. Messy buns are beloved favorite for us Americans, it’s the ultimate way to be lazy and cute at once. To achieve beach waves I recommend purchasing a wand curling iron or Not Your Mothers Beach Babe Sea Salt Spray.


As some of you know, I am a Rep for the company called Pura Vida and they’re stuff is seriously perfect for summer accessorizing. Although I am partial to their product, I truly think they are the perfect way to style any summer outfit. If you love these styles, check out their site ans save 20% using my Rep code: ALYSSAWAID20. They have new arrivals every week and you are sure to find a bracelet set that fits your style. This is a wonderful company that employs local artisans and raises money for different charities. Check them out at

Thank you for reading my Trend Forecast: American Summer, I hope you found some new styles to try out this summer, as well as some of your already favorite styles. I had lots of fun making up this post, so I hope you love it! Share these trends with friends and let me know all your favorites in the comments or on social media. Don’t forget to subscribe and follow me on Instagram @betweenvogue_vangogh.

Happy Wednesday beautiful people.

xo, Lyss 

Quote of the Day:


Real Talk: Maturity & Friendships

Hello Everyone,

Today I wanted to start a new series on my blog called “Real Talk”, this will be a weekly or bi-weekly post where I share some of my own personal thoughts and experiences in hopes that you too can relate to these and connect with me. Although they may often seem like a rant, these posts will just be my personal thoughts that I wanted to share with all of you. Feel free to comment and respond, civilly.

For the first ever “Real Talk”, I am addressing a situation that I wish occurred more, which is maturity. I’ll start with a little story:

As many of you know from my blog and social media, my best friend is Tessa from Simply Tess. We usually attend events together, share blog ideas and grab coffee; you would think that we have been best buds all along, but that is certainly not the case. In fact when we began hanging out we turned a lot of heads, for good reason. Tessa and I had previously cheered together at Grand Valley State, our university. We never thoroughly “hated” each other, but this past year on the team we were not exactly friends either. We often were going head-to-head, cliques against cliques; may I add cliques we didn’t even mean to be apart of. Tessa quit the team early in the season due to an injury, acceptable. I later quit in November due to the irrelevant drama and costs that I was taking on. I was always sad and I felt very negative about myself mentally and physically. In this act of deciding to quit Tessa actually helped me out a lot. she offered great advice and positive words. We began to bond on the situation, through this we confronted each other about all the unnecessary drama that had occurred between us that season and we let it all out.

Now knowing we had never really been close friends on the team, many of our former teammates gave us crooked looks and shed a few whispers, but here is where my Real Talk lesson comes in. Although society make it seem like we should hold grudges and forever hate our enemies, that is not the truth. If you are mature enough to confront one another about your past and move on from it, that speaks volumes. Sure, Tessa and I befriending one another may have seemed crazy in the beginning but let’s be real, we were probably the most similar on the team than we ever realized. She has a blog, and I do too. She loves the beach, as well as I do. She is positive and ambitious, like me.

Due to the collective environment we were in, we both decided we had become people we were not proud of and having the courage to admit that and move on shows strength. Girls are often petty about drama and let it consume them to the point of never actually growing up and moving on. People, in general, find themselves stuck in these negative environments and don’t realize the changes that should be made. We both were able to remove ourselves from it, confront ourselves and each other about who we had become and we pushed past it. “Maturity starts when the drama ends” and that quote perfectly explains us. We became friends when we gave up the drama and grew up. Cheer held a place in both of our hearts, but like they say sometimes you have to let the things you love go.

Real Talk Lesson: Be mature, especially when it comes to relationships. Being able to be honest and straight forward will only benefit the relationship because if it doesn’t you know you’re in a toxic relationship. Toxic people are easy to come across, they are masked as decent human beings that care, when in reality they are quite selfish and well toxic. Drop the drama. Find the strength and courage to step back from these people and accept that you are not what they made you; you have time to find who you really are and become who you would like to be.

Tessa and I are just my personal example, but this can extend to boyfriend/girlfriend scenarios and other friendships. It’s not always easy to confront people or face the facts, but it will benefit you in the end. Your relationships will be stronger and probably last longer too.

*If you are thinking about quitting something or removing yourself from a toxic environment I have a throwback post for you here.

Thank you for reading the first ever Real Talk, I hope it was inspirational or informational, either way I want you to be able to take something from this. If you have been in a similar situation or you have an ex-enemy BFF, feel free to share your story with me. People might now always change but you can only control yourself, so focus on that. Always remember you are enough. Thanks again for stopping by today, share and subscribe to stay connected. Super fun post coming on Friday about ways to get out this summer and stop having FOMO (fear of missing out).

Happy Wednesday.



Quote about today’s post:


Spring Favorites

Hello Pretty People,

I hope your week has been filled with endless sunshine and positive vibes. Today I am going to share a few my favorite things from this Spring, from books to beauty products. These are products or things that I have been using a lot this season and I thought I would share them with all of you.

(Starting with the first picture)

  1. Essie St. Lucia Lilac: This is such a perfect nail color for the spring season, it’s light and it follows the pastel color scheme everyone loves. I have been wearing this on my toes and it’s so cute and girly. This nail polish costs about $8.50 but you can find similar colors else where.
  2. Mask of Magnaminty-LUSH: This is an all natural, self-preserving face mask from LUSH, it is amazing and I am loving it. It has been helping me fight my stress breakouts and leaving my skin feeling fresh. It is for both your face and back, but I have mostly used it on my face. The mint makes your face feel tingly and leaves it smooth. It is the perfect deep-cleansing mask to fight all breakouts and refresh a tired face.
  3. Iced Coffee: I have always been a lover of iced coffee but especially in the warmer season this is my go-to drink. It’s also a whole lot cheaper than buying a fancy latte and it is cold summer drink.
  4. Vogue (March edition): Vogue is obviously my favorite fashion magazine, hence part of my blog title. This contains the best high-fashion styles and news, along with seasonal trends. Definitely a must-have for your beach bag!
  5. Forever 21 Grey Tee: I recently picked up a basic grey v-neck tee from F21 and I love it. The fabric is light and it matches basically every piece. Grey is one of my favorite colors to style with because it is a neutral. Although I got mine from F21, you can find something similar anywhere.
  6. Madcap Coffee Co.: I just visited this cafe in downtown GR with my friend Tessa, I’ve only been there once but the coffee was good and the atmosphere was relaxing. It was decorated in white, the original brick was exposed and the street view tied in the whole environment. If you are ever in GR, you should check out this cafe.
  7. Spinning: As I mentioned in a recent post, spinning has been my fitness obsession the past few weeks. I burn killer calories, it boosts my metabolism and I feel refreshed the whole day. Spinning is a great workout, check it out if you have the chance. It’s the perfect
  8. #GirlBoss: I started to read this book about a year ago, but I had to return it to a friend and was unable to finish it. But, I recently received this as a gift and I am restarting the book and I will probably take it along with me to France. This book gives women a look into starting your own business and kicking a** while doing it. Sophia is the perfect example of a #GirlBoss and this book inspired my #GirlBoss series.
  9. Pura Vida Bracalet: This is one of my favorite companies because with the purchase of a bracelet proceeds are given to a charity (depending on the bracelet you choose). I chose “for the oceans” and a percentage of my purchase went toward marine life conservation and ocean preservation.
  10. Victoria’s Secret Body Lotion: This lotion has been my everyday post-shower lotion, it leaves my skin smooth and soft. I use the coconut milk scent, but there are many other scents. I also was using the Acai body wash up until I ran out. I was unsure about trying these products but I have adored them.

I’d love to hear about your favorite Spring items in the comments below or on Twitter. These are just a few of my favorites and I may do another while I am in France for my French inspired favorites, if you would like to see that let me know.

Thank you for reading this little post today, I hope your Wednesday has been great. I am working on another #GirlBoss right now and I will hopefully have that next week. I am also wondering what you guys would like to see in my posts from France, let me know in the comments as well. Thank you again for reading, see you soon!

Happy Wednesday.



Today’s Inspiration:  


#GirlBoss [Heather Winia]

Hello Lovely Readers,

It’s that time again…#GirlBoss! This is my fourth #GirlBoss post in the series and I want to know everyone’s thoughts so far, what questions do you have for these powerful women that I have not yet included?

This weeks feature is a spunky fitness instructor and energetic mother, who truly encourages and empowers other women to be confident & positive. I am so excited for you all to get to know her. She has been my amazing dance for fitness instructor this whole semester and she helps me start my Monday’s & Wednesday’s on a positive foot. So, I present you with the wonderful Heather Winia:

What’s your story? 

WHO AM I?  Such a great question I think we all ask ourselves many times throughout our lives.

Here’s what I can tell you.

My name is Heather Winia and I am a proud mama of three beautifully, unique and amazing daughters.  I am an educator and Master Trainer for The World GROOVE Movement, which has connected me with a tribe of conscious truth seekers and speakers from all over the world.   I am a part-time professor at GVSU inspiring health and fitness and I am full-time lover of all things that feel really good.  Some of those things for me are spending time outdoors, getting my feet in the grass/sand and my face in the sun!   I enjoy moving my body in deeply nourishing ways and YES, I also enjoy my body, which hasn’t always been the case and is hard for most women.   I LOVE food, do NOT restrict my eating or my choices and I am all the better for it!  I consider myself a flexitarian, which means I get to eat whatever I want, whenever I want…so flexible and freeing!

I have experienced great loss in my life, first my husband left this physical world 4 years ago followed by my sister a year later.   Yet, each day I know I am blessed to wake up.  It is a gift given to me and I have gifts that I get to share with this world.   People say to me often, “I don’t know how you do it”, and all I can say is I have two choices: to NOT participate in this amazing life while I am here or to FULLY engage in this amazing life while I am here.  One of those sounds much better than the other and that is what I choose every day.  Life is too short to waste on negativity, living in ways that don’t feel good and holding onto “shoulds”, “have tos” and ‘musts”.

Favorite Quote?

One of my favorite quotes is “If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always gotten.”  So many people keep trying things the same way expecting different results.  Another name for that is insanity.  I hope that I can inspire others to live fully the way that feels good to them without any rules or regulations.  This is YOUR LIFE and you only get one, so choose things that feel INCREDIBLE each and every day!

Daily or morning routine?

A regular practice of feel good activities is important.  For me, before I go to bed each night, I set my alarm and reflect on a positive affirmation.  My alarm app is Spirit Junkie ( and it gives me a new affirmation each day.  I am passionate about getting a good night sleep (bed by 11pm) so that I wake up refreshed.  In the morning, before I open my eyes, my mind becomes conscious and I begin my gratitude practice.  Simply running through things in my mind I am grateful for, people, events and even situations that don’t seem great, but are teaching me something and helping me grow.  I then begin to stretch my body, being grateful for all it does for me each day.  When my feet hit the floor, I am aware that today is a gift and I get to create it!  I drink a glass of room temperature water before anything else and then I’m off and running.  Kids, school, house cleaning, bills, the dog, friends, groceries and an attitude of gratitude for it all.  If I didn’t love it and it didn’t feel good, it would be my job and my pleasure to change it until it did.   Lyrics from a really good song say it best. “Life is short to play silly games.” (Perfect by Fairground Attraction  This is a great song to sing at the top of your lungs and of course we DANCE to it in GROOVE sessions all the time.  And I cannot forget, DANCING and SINGING are two priorities I schedule in EVERYday to make me feel amazing!!!  It is my hope that everyone dances through life, using their voice for truth and confidently knowing you cannot get your life wrong, just try it and see!  If it isn’t working, make a different choice.  It really can be that simple!  No drama, confusion or expectations, just simplicity because SIMPLICITY FEEDS YOUR SOUL!


I was so thrilled to be able to have Heather be a feature on #GirlBoss this week. I have been so inspired and empowered by her this semester and I know through her line of work she has done this to hundreds of women. She is the perfect example of why I started this #GirlBoss series, to find women who empower and inspire other women to be their best self and not judge one another.

In our dance for fitness class, we test our fears and break barriers to find our most free and happy self. I LOVE this aspect, it really starts my day in an amazing, positive way. This class has taught me to be more carefree about what others are thinking about me, and I think that is what the point of GROOVE is. Besides being an awesome way to get fit, I think it is a program that teaches people to free themselves and express themselves through dance. It really is a freeing experience if you allow yourself to be fully engaged. If you are a GVSU student I highly recommend her as an instructor, and if you are not I encourage you all to try a GROOVE class sometime. It is such a fun experience!

Today’s Quote from me:


I picked this quote because I felt like it went well with my #GirlBoss feature. We as people, especially women, often feel as though we need to be like everyone else because we fear that if they act different, we will be weird. I wish we could break this norm and realize that being the same is boring, the world is more beautiful when people act like themselves and be who they want to be. Women are constantly held to this standard, we have to have this “perfect” look to impress guys and we have to wear expensive clothes to fit in with the other girls, but we absolutely do not have to. So, if you are finding yourself trying to fit the norms of society…STOP! Be yourself, don’t be the same be better. Being the same is boring; be bright, “weird” and most of all be yourself.

Thank you all for reading this weeks #GirlBoss, I hope you all love it! Remember to share this post with friends and family, if you like it.  Also, subscribe to keep getting all my newest posts. This weekend is the UICA Color of the Year event and I will be attending the opening to bring you a review on the works of art.Also, next week I will be attending another Fashion Show with Simply Tess, so be sure to tune in for an amazing post on that. Thank you again for reading today.

Happy Wednesday.

