Knowledge is Power {Back to Campus}

Hello Beautiful Readers,

Today will be the last post in my Back to Campus series. I want to center the focus of this post on knowledge and how lucky you are to be a student, if you are one. This may seem interesting to you, or not at all, but either way I want to address it.

If you are a student who is headed back to school, whether it is college or high school, you should be feeling excited and lucky. Now, you probably think I am crazy for thinking school is exciting, but hear me out:

Roughly, 70 million children are unable to attend school due to lack of money, resources or other issues. They will never have a chance to broaden their minds and learn these concepts we are exposed to in school. Most of them will not attend college either. Today, in the information age of the world, knowledge is literally power. It’s not about family or class, which can play a factor, but it’s about WHAT you know.

Don’t get me wrong, I do not love piles of homework and long research papers with nitty gritty instructions, but I do love that I am able to discuss world issues with my peers and talk about events in history and how they impact us today. This may seem pretty normal for some of us, but there are people in the world who will never have the same chance as you have to be educated.

I am not here to make you feel bad, by any means, but I want you to understand the blessing of having the opportunity to be educated. School is boring at times–I get it, but when you begin to engage in certain areas and become interested, you will find yourself in a happier environment. (Not a fact, but assuming)

We often times find ourselves getting overwhelmed with school work and actual work, and it’s almost too much. My marketing professor kind of inspired this post because his whole lecture on Friday was centered on this idea of knowledge and why it’s important today. He told us hard work is great but just because you worked hard doesn’t mean you are right or you’ve given what’s needed. This definitely sounds harsh, but when you think about it in a business/real world situation, people do not care about the input. They care about the output, what are they benefiting from you or your work.

This is a harsh reality, but if you are able to understand this I think life will be a little easier for you. Before you get offended for not being the best, think about what you know and see if there is anywhere you could better yourself. Being educated in today’s society is key to being successful. Being able to understand the past and how it’s events have impacted the present, but also being able to predict possibilities for the future can make you a valuable person in society.

So, the next time you are reading your text book or groaning about doing a research paper, just remember you don’t have to love the process but be thankful for the opportunity that you have to be educated.

Also, side note, I am not stating that college is the only way to be educated and successful. Success is measured in many different ways, you can be self-educated and still be successful. My point is to be thankful for the resources and opportunities that college does give you before you get angry about them.


Credit: Boss Babe

I hope this pot can change your perspective a little for the new school year. Go in with an open mind and a willingness to actually learn the material. I am also going to work on applying this concept more; I want to read up on the field I am interested in and be sure I follow the news of the markets. Learning can be fun when it is interesting to you.

I challenge all of my readers to truly apply yourself this semester, take care of your body & soul, get inspired and most of all, do your best. If you missed the other posts in this series I will link them below, make sure you read them all for max inspiration. I have brand new series beginning later this week, which I am really excited for, so stay tuned.

Vision Board | Happy & Healthy | Monday Mindset

Happy Labor Day & Happy Monday.

xo, Lyss

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