Month: January 2016

Back to the Basics

Hello Readers,

Today I bring you a fashion post, finally, I know! Once again my fashion inspiration has been running dry with this crazy weather in Michigan. But, I am having some inspiration from watching Project Runway and the recent Fashion Weeks occurring. I noticed a sign on my campus today advertising for the bookstore, it was about taking it back to the basic/traditional college wear. This sparked my idea of creating a back to the basic post for you, my readers.

Basics are a HUGE staple piece to every wardrobe, no matter what your style is. Basics include plain shirts, solid colored hand bags and even a simple shoe. I also include everyday wear into the basics definition; if you can wear it with multiple things then it is basic. I will provide a list below of all pieces to create your minimalist wardrobe.

  • Denim Jacket
  • Black & White stripes
  • Dark Wash Jeans
  • Leather Jacket
  • Light Wash Ripped Jeans
  • Statement Handbag
  • Black, White & Grey Tops
  • A Pair of Flats
  • A Pair of Bold Heels
  • A Pair of Casual Tennis Shoes

These are what I see as the most important pieces to a basic wardrobe. These are pieces that can go with many different things. Also, starting with a basic wardrobe can help you build a bigger, better wardrobe. You can really build and add unique pieces once you have the basics. One of my favorite basics outfit is a striped shirt with jeans and casual shoes. I personally love basic pieces because they are easy to wear everyday but also can be paired with statement pieces. Statement pieces can be anything from ponchos to vests or other unique pieces.


After building your basic wardrobe, it’s time to build some stellar outfits! I’ll just name a few of my favorites, and you can share your’s with me in the comments below or on Facebook.  One of my favorite outfits is dark wash jeans and a white T paired with brown or tan boots. The boots an be short booties or tall boots. This is really great for casual wear. Another one of my favorites is my favorite black leggings, for comfort, with a basic striped shirt and almost any cardigan that matches. I also like pairing light jeans with a flannel shirt and either a solid top or striped top underneath. Adding a handbag or bold sunglasses can spice up any of these outfits. There are so many other possibilities with these pieces, it is up to you to make it your own.

Overall, I think basics are the history of street style; every street style look starts from a basic piece. I think this is why I am drawn to street styles, it is a style where you can grab and go. Street style is also a very strong form of self impression. This is why I love fashion as well, you can express yourself differently everyday.

I really hope you liked this post, it was just something that popped into my mind. You can find more of these outfit ideas on Pinterest too! If you use this post to build an outfit, please share it with me on social media or via email. Thank you for reading today! I hope you all have a wonderful weekend & accomplish something great.

Happy Friday.




How to Change Your Money Mindset.

Hello lovely readers,

I wanted to address an issue I have recently let consume me, that issue being my finances. Money is always on my mind; how much do I have in my account, I have to pay for this or that and I need to save. It gets mentally exhausting. Recently, I have been trying to save for my trip to France and trying hard to be responsible with my money. Today I received my second parking ticket this semester (seriously!?). Let’s just say the rules for parking are a little ridiculous on my campus. But, this situation made me have a meltdown because just when I feel like I am getting ahead, I get kicked down. College can be tough for the pocketbook but I am here to give you tips on how to reduce the number of weekly meltdowns.

So, after my miniature meltdown I found an article about your money mindset and it really helped me come to a realization. Money situations, especially for college students, can be very difficult. We are young, we want to explore and adventure but we are limited to our means. Our money mindsets can really effect our happiness and positivity, how we feel and think about our finances is important. Our thoughts often control our actions, developing a negative money mindset can create a barrier between you and your financial health. It can keep you in a place of stress and anxiety, as well as keep you from achieving goals.


But, no worries readers, if you are finding yourself in a bad money mindset I have tips for you.

Recognize self-sabotaging thoughts.

Being self aware of these negative thoughts can be hard, they are easy to blurt out on a daily basis. Discovering these thoughts and stopping them quickly is the first step toward changing your mindset.

Examples of these thoughts could include:

  • I’ll never get ahead
  • I don’t make enough to save
  • I can’t afford that

Reflecting on these thoughts or phrases you may have said previously is important to evaluate your personal views on money. How do you react to things such as bills or surprise financial needs? Make a note of these types of feelings and reflect on how it could be affecting your actions.

Appreciate what you have.

I have discussed this topic before, it is easy to look at what others have and get discouraged; but, it’s important to evaluate what you have and be grateful for that. You’ll never have enough if you constantly look at what others have. Being appreciative of what you have is the best way to shake negative thoughts. We all have so much to be thankful for and while we may sometimes recognize this, when it comes to money and budgeting many of us tend to take a restrictive view that can bring us down.

I find myself constantly struggling with saving and paying for school. I use student loans for now, but on top of that I have to pay for bills, books, groceries, etc. Today, I realized that the more I really worry about these things I can not really change, the more I will find negative thoughts in my mind. By trying to look at the positives in these situations, I can release my stresses and accomplish more. College is an amazing opportunity and worth every penny. So, rather than looking at all the wrongs, try to see the rights.

Set goals for what you want.

By laying out where you want to spend or save your money, you will be able to keep track of your money better. This can work like setting goals; figure out why you want/need money and determine when you will have it by. This concept was discussed in the original article I read, organizing these goals are a great way to see what is possible. It is a simple strategy, but most people don’t take time to reflect on their wants/desires and create a plan to get there. I have not yet tried this, but I constantly write out goals and this will be an addition to my plan.

Stay educated.

Being aware of ways to save money and budget can really help relieve your financial stress. I have been trying to implement this technique into my life, I will tell you it is difficult to do so. Although I have recently got a new job in retail and I am hoping to have a more steady income to create a budget. You can also research ways to save money, make money and set up a budget. There are many books and articles out there as well. Staying up to date on your changing circumstances is also important. There are many resources out there available to you.

How will you change your money mindset?

I hope this piece can help you in some way, that’s always my goal. I am always learning with you too, I am looking to implement these into my life. It is easy to let money control your life, but the more you let it consume you the more negativity and stress you will find yourself accumulating. Try to free your mind from your financial stresses, it is one thing to be aware and responsible of your money but do not let it stress you. In the end it’s not about the money you have but it’s about the experiences you have. Save your money where you can but do not let it hold you back from living your life. If you are like me it may take you longer to reach this life, but through hard work and passion you can be anything. Do what makes you happy and the rest will come. Thank you for reading today, please share if you liked this post.

Happy Wednesday.



Sunday Mornings. {Advice included}

Hello Beautiful Readers,

Today I am working on homework all day at this super cute cafe in downtown Grand Rapids called The Lantern Coffee Bar & Lounge. This weekend has been very enjoyable, I wanted to share with you some of the activities I have done this weekend, then I want to address another topic later. So first, I spent my Friday morning preparing scholarships for studying abroad and attending my one Friday class. After that I went to Holland with my friend Tessa who also runs a wonderful blog. (check out The Petite Prep here) We grabbed lattes and chocolate covered strawberries at Alpenrose, a local cafe in Holland. We also did some window shopping and discovered the wonderful shops, like Spring Sweet. This store was super cute and chic, it is a stop you must take if you are ever visiting. I really enjoyed chatting with Tessa and being that she runs a blog there may be some future collaboration…

Below I’ll share a few pictures from the trip:

I then spent my Saturday with my sister, who is getting married later this year. We had appointments to try on bridesmaids dresses, it was really nice to see her and catch up. Which now leads me to Sunday, I am spending my day in the cutest cafe doing homework all day. I love to spend my Sundays this way, its relaxing even if I am doing homework. It is also a great way to prepare for the week ahead.


The other thing I wanted to include in this post is something sort of personal but I want to share a few tips with you. It is about feeling sad or depressed, especially during the winter. I found myself feeling very down during this time of the year last year, as well as the beginning of the year this year. When I say down it was a weird feeling, I had nothing to be sad about but I felt very bored with my life. I had great things happening to me but I felt this sadness constantly. I began to feel depressed, although I would not consider it a severe case. If you are feeling at all like this it may not be a bad idea to reach out to someone. Another thing to try is something new, I figured out that this sadness may have been being caused from being stuck in a boring routine. I went to class, then practice then free time was spent doing homework. Another factor was the weather, I am not one for the cold.

My advice to you is this: Try new things, move and change your typical environment. This will help your mind. This can still be a hard thing because you may not know what will make you feel better, but for me I love going to cafe’s. So when I have a great deal of homework instead of locking myself in my room and stressing, I go to a cafe. Changing my usual environment helps me not only work more efficiently but it also helps me get out of my routine. Another tip is to find something to relieve your stress, or give yourself “me” time. Life is very busy and I totally agree but if you can find a way to give yourself a mental break you will feel so much better.  I have recently been watching Project Runway Junior every Thursday, this only takes an hour out of my week and it gives me time to relax. I also have been drawing and doodling more, this is a great way to relieve stress because you can express your feelings through it. I just want all my readers to know they are not alone, whether you have actually depressed or you just tend to feel sad, you are not the only one feeling this way and it will get better. It may seem hard now but if you take baby steps it will slowly change.

At the beginning of this school year I felt this way, I just didn’t feel like my usual self. I tend to be a fairly positive and ambitious person and I felt nothing. I felt as though I had no real friends and I didn’t know how to even start making them. I didn’t go out very often and I wasn’t feeling inspired. Although after starting my blog and residing from cheerleading I have found myself feeling like me again. I once thought the feeling would never leave me but it has. I am now expanding my social and professional network and I have been very busy these days but I am not bothered by it at all. I like being productively busy.

So, this is for you readers. Keep your head up high and your dreams even higher, things will get better whether it feels like it or not. Take a step toward change and it will take off from there. Feel free to reach out to me with any questions. You matter; your mental health, your thoughts and your life all matters. Find the positive in all situations and keep pushing. Lastly, never give up.


Thank you all for reading through this long post. I hope it can help you, if needed. I just want my readers to be aware they aren’t alone in this big world. Please share if you did like it, also subscribe to my email list so you never miss a post. Connect with me on social media too!! Twitter: @Vogue_VanGogh or Instagram: @flyer_alyssa

Stay Beautiful.



Daily Boost: Love Yourself.

Good Morning Readers,

I just wanted to post a little quote today about something I learned in my dance class this morning. It’s about loving yourself, something you all know I have been vocal about recently. My professor made a really interesting but true comment, she stated how we are not taught to love ourselves or show self expression too much because it is seen as weird. I feel like this couldn’t be more true. Nobody really says do not love yourself but they also do not say you should. People these days tend to follow the pack and avoid standing out because those people that stand out are “weird”. Confidence and self-love should not be demonized by others thoughts, being yourself is important to having a healthy mind and body. Following others works for awhile until you start to step back and truly see your unhappiness.


So, let’s imagine if we obsessed about the things we loved about ourselves? But for real! We always envy what others have and what others look like and we start to lose the envy we have about ourselves. First of all, appearance is not the only way to express yourself. I’ve said it before but, just because someones Instagram shows they live a stellar life does not mean they actually do. Attitude and mental health are also important, being positive and kind to others will cause you to love yourself more. Find the best version of yourself and be that, do not be afraid to express yourself. Be obsessed with your own qualities, you can admire others for their achievements but let them inspire you rather than defeat you. Radiate positivity and kindness.

Nobody should be judged for being confident and self loving, instead let’s embrace others confidence. Thank you for reading this short post! I hope it gave you a little confidence boost and you can take something from it. I just want my readers to be empowered to love themselves and love others too. The world can be a scary place sometimes but together we can find the beauty in it. Feel free to share your favorite positive quotes with me on Twitter or Instagram using the hashtag #loveyourself & #sbvvg.

Please share & Happy Hump Day.



The Early Bird gets the Worm.

Good morning beautiful people,


After a long weekend we are back into the work week; less sleep and more stress. With my semester just beginning I am trying to settle into my new schedule. I have early classes 4/5 days I have class, all starting at 9 or earlier. Before college I hated waking up early, it was dreadful. You wouldn’t hear me talk for at least 20 minutes if you woke me up before 7, but since coming to college and choosing early classes I have adapted to the idea. Most students avoid 8 am’s with their life, like why get up at 6 when you can take the same class at 12. I use to have that mindset but then I began to really like the morning classes. It is nice to get to campus around sunrise and when it’s all quite. By 11 am campus is busy and crowded; getting there before everyone gives me a piece of mind. It is also nice to finish class early afternoon, leaving the whole evening open. I always like to start my day with my coffee, or sometimes a blog post, which is a relaxing start. I am an avid people watcher, this is partially why I love coffee and coffee shops. I like to watch and read all the people that walk past me. Humans are interesting creatures, we always have all these differences and problems with one another but when you see people interacting over coffee it’s like it all disappears for a short moment.

I’ve sat in a local cafe, by myself, one time and I saw all kinds of people come in that door; but no one was judged or given a weird look. Why would they be? We were all there for the same thing. I find this so beautiful. It’s the little things in life that make me smile.

Waking up early, coffee shops and interesting people are all things that spark a light in me. It’s kind of like my “me time” when I wake up early because I often do not interact with many people until I get to class. Embracing this time is just one of those little things. We often times worry so much about the big things we cannot change, when there are a million beautiful little things passing us by. Waking up early for me has become more than just a job, I like to be up early. The first initial sound of my alarm is never super glorious but once I am on my feet no one can stop me. Some of the most successful people wake up before 6 am, they have a job to do and nothing can stop them, not even sleep.

Anne Wintour, the editor-in-chief of Vogue, wakes up at 5 am every day and plays tennis before going into the office. This is one of my favorite examples because we always make excuses as to why we can’t accomplish our goals but Anne Wintour has time to play tennis every morning and run a super successful magazine. It’s all about how bad you want it, life is about passion. The only way you can get anything done is with passion. yes, motivation is important, but motivation can’t happen without a passion to do so.

Coming back to my early morning example, if you look at waking up at 6 am as a terrible hassle, you will never wake up nor will you wake up in a good mood. Once again, I don’t love it when I hear my alarm in the morning but I know I have things to do that day and I get up. If you are content with waking up at 11 am then that is your life, but I think life is all too short to waste a minute of it. Although I do believe in a good nights sleep, I also believe in getting sh*t done.

As my readers, you all know I am not much for parties but even more so recently I find them such a waste of my time. (Depending on the occasion) I have more important things to be doing than binge drinking on a Sunday night. I’d rather spend my time either writing scholarship essays or spending quality* time with friends. This might make me sound like a boring person but in the end who is going to have the better resume, because I don’t think drinking is an admirable skill.

Overall, I just wanted to share a little insight with you guys. My brain stops focusing after 4 and waking up early optimizes my thinking time. I like to spend the morning doing things for myself and enjoying the peace. Whether it is with coffee or writing a new post for you guys, it’s my ritual. If you are like the old me who doesn’t like waking up early and see no point in it, I suggest trying it for a week. It will suck the first few days but you may end up liking it. Set up a morning ritual that will wake you up and motivate you for the rest of the day. Yours can be custom to your lifestyle, if you want to workout or do yoga, do it. I love a good work out early in the morning, it wakes up your mind and body. This semester I am in a dance for fitness class that starts at 9 am and it is really fun and energizing. Whatever it may be that kick starts your day, find it and do it.


I may do a follow up to this post that is a “how to”, let me know if you guys are interested in that. I hope all my readers have a ridiculously amazing day. Thank you for reading, please share and connect with me on social media. Keep up with my Twitter @Vogue_VanGogh or check out my Instagram @flyer_alyssa. 

Happy Tuesday.



Style Guide: Classy & Casual

Happy Saturday Readers,

With winter in full swing in Michigan I am losing my fashion inspiration; everyday leggings paired with a sweatshirt sounds like the best option. For me, dressing up makes me feel more confident and ready to take on the day. I have been stuck trying to figure out a style that is suitable for the winter weather. I am beginning to really love this idea of a clean, classy look. Although heels are not a good match for winter weather, they can be switched out. I am also hooked on summer fashion since I may be spending the summer in France, which I will have to be on top of my game.

So, this post isn’t only a guide for you but for me too! The style I want to talk about today is a versatile style wearable in a professional setting and a casual one. Boyfriend jeans, sweaters, heels, statement handbags and all points in between. This is my closet guide to build this kind of wardrobe:

  1. Leather: Leather jackets, leather pants or leather handbags, anything leather is a must. Leather is an edgy material that is also classy, it’s chic and in-style. Pairing a leather jacket with some boyfriend jeans would build the ideal street style outfit. Another option with leather is moto style pants paired with a sweater or blouse. (middle picture above) Both fun, classy looks for everyday wear.
  2. Jeans: I am a lover of a nice pair of jeans, I also love ripped jeans. I think they are classics to any wardrobe. They match almost every top, they can change any outfit. A current popular style of jeans are skinny boyfriend, these are seen a lot in street style.
  3. Basics: I am learning that building a solid wardrobe starts with great basics; this includes neutral colors in tanks, short and long sleeves. These come in handy when layering or pairing with statement pieces like cardigans and vests. Basic shirts are also easy to match, when in doubt just wear a solid colored top. I love jeans paired with a plain white-t.
  4. Shoes: Shoes are important to this wardrobe because they can change the whole outfit, I am learning that my shoe game is weak. Shoes are one of the most important pieces in a closet because you could have this killer outfit and then terrible shoes would ruin it. Shoes also vary in occasions, one event may be suitable for heels whereas another would be better to wear a more casual shoe such as TOMS.
  5. Bags: This is something else I do not have much of, but stellar handbags are key. This is how to tie an outfit together. Handbags aren’t crucial to all outfits but they are great when you have a long work day or interview because you can carry everything you need inside, without looking like a hot mess.
  6. Jewelry: Jewelry is also great for spicing up basics, it is loop hole in fashion. Can’t find the right shirt? Going out? Just add jewelry! Statement necklaces, rings and chunky bracelets are all awesome pieces to add to your wardrobe. If you don’t have a rose gold watch, I highly recommend purchasing one; a watch is a classic piece to have.
  7. Unique piecesLastly, adding a one-of-a-kind pieces to your closet will help vamp up your overall style. I recently purchased this boho style vest that is really unique; you can buy a cute wool jacket or a leather jacket, whatever sparks your fashion interest. This can also be a piece that is wearable with almost everything in your closet. If you are in a professional setting a lot, this could be a black blazer you can use often.

All these pictures are also great references. This is the style I am seeking to acquire as time goes on, classy & chic. I find this style is also affordable, I feel as though there are no pieces in this wardrobe that should be too costly unless chosen to be. I will add some links below for similar styles that I mentioned or pictured above. I will include both affordable and high-priced sites. I am hoping this post inspires you and me both!

Thank you all so much for reading and showing support. I will be teaming up with some blogger friends in the future to bring you some new content you may not always get from me. I hope this was a fun fashion guide for you, even though my fashion inspiration has been low. I would love to hear from you, so feel free to follow me on Twitter @Vogue_VanGogh or Instagram @flyer_alyssa.

Forever 21 | Zara | Francesca’s | Banana Republic | American Eagle | TOMS Kate Spade

Please share.



Pretty, Young & Motivated {Career Tips}

Hello Readers,

Today I wanted to bring you some career advice; although I am a young soul I feel like I know my stuff. I have read a couple books, participated in DECA and had a fair share of jobs. Take what you want and leave the rest. I hope it will be helpful for you.


Below, I have some tips that I have extracted from either a book or my personal experience. These are my tips on ways to rock your career, get the most out of every opportunity and stand out. If you are in college, like me, you cannot “rock” a career yet but that doesn’t mean you can’t rock the college game. Our career in college is part-time jobs, internships, scholarships and studying abroad; and of course our curriculum. So, let’s get into the details.

Shake hands: The hand shake is still important to any formal meeting. It applies from when you are meeting your professor for the first time to a job interview. I know my generation has used it less and less, but it is an important aspect to an interview or formal encounter. You should shake someones hand in the beginning of the meeting and at the end, especially if you are just meeting them. Making good (non-creepy) eye contact is also important.

Be educated: Where are you applying? When did the establishment open? Who is the current CEO or person in-charge? These are things you should know prior to an interview, and this trick could help set you apart as well. This works for scholarship purposes too. Who are the people you are asking for money? What is their family like? Knowing these little facts can help the essay process and your chances of receiving the scholarship. Know what you are applying for, be educated.

Be a peacock: This does not mean in a cocky way, but in a put yourself out there kind of way. My biggest pet peeve is when college graduates complain about wasting their time and money because they don’t find a job. Well, what did they do to put themselves in their desired field and make a name for themselves? Probably nothing…Take any opportunity that would build your resume or help your future career. Big or small, they will make a difference. When you take on something like an internship, do not be a zombie intern. Explore every aspect of your position but also explore other departments. Absorb all that you can and make sure before you leave the boss knows your name. Make a connection!

Network,network & network: This relates to the one above; you cannot complain about no job if you haven’t even reached out to anyone. Build a social and professional network. This can consist of professors who have made an impact on your life, peers and old bosses. Anyone who could put you ahead of the game. These are also the people you should be able to call when you are looking for a job and need in on a particular industry or even just for a reference.

Professionalism: The pant suit is not dead, well maybe fashionably, but in the sense of professionalism you need to look presentable in formal situations. I’ve already experienced informal and on-the-spot hiring where I had no time to prepare, but if you are asked in for an interview dress professional. Professionalism also extends beyond dress code; attitude, body language and grooming are also factors to having a professional look. Talking about a hook-up or bad mouthing another company in an interview or professional setting is not acceptable. There is a time and place for gossip, and it’s not in an interview. Sitting up straight, smiling and not fidgeting are great ways to look engaged in a meeting or interview. I could go on for hours about how important professionalism is but I’ll just stop here. Just be presentable and know your stuff.

Image: Social media consumes our society today; social media can be good and bad. What image are you portraying through your Facebook or Instagram?  I’m not saying you have to keep everything private and hide your life, but if you don’t want your grandma to see it maybe don’t post it. The biggest thing I see in my generation is posting pictures with alcohol (most of which they are under-aged), which may not seem like a big deal. But, consider this: When you are going to an interview or even building your professional network, do you want that picture to be the representation of your image? Image is important in a professional environment. You may be this care free college student right now who gives zero f**ks, but the day you get turned down for a job because you posted a pic in 2014 of you doing a keg stand or whatever, you may rethink your old mindset. Image is not the number one deciding factor for a job but keep it classy for yourself. What you put out there, whether it be on social media or even in person, people remember that. First impressions are lasting, clean up you image and your future self will thank you.

Stellar resume: I have to be honest here, my resume is still a diamond in the rust but resumes are like first impressions before first impressions. Make sure your resume is well-tailored and to the point. I was always taught to keep it to one page, then include a reference page if needed. Once again, I am still working on perfecting mine but do not go with out a good resume all through college. Remember, these are what a future employer sees before they actually meet you; make it clear and concise.

These are all really great factors to get on track to a successful career, being aware of these skills is important for your professional life. I also find these skills rewarding, being able to rock an interview with no doubt is an awesome feeling. These skills can also set you apart from your peers. I am still learning to apply these skills too, being a young adult in a society that doesn’t actually know a lot about professional skills is sad. Another side note to standing out is being yourself, don’t try to fake it. The only time you can fake it is when you want to act like you have your life together, fake it till ya make it. That quote is true to a certain extent but being yourself will pay off in the end. If you pretend to be someone else then you may be compromising your own values. You also wouldn’t want someone to hire you believing you are one way when you are not because this could make the job not truly fitting for you.

Overall, just make sure you know some professional skills. Do not forget about the little things that make you stand out and look professional. I wish you the best in all your future endeavors and I hope these tips were some what helpful. Thank you for reading today. Please share. Feel free to connect with me on social media as well, I’d love to hear from you guys.

Happy Thursday.




Taking Care of Your Garden {Mind}.

Hello lovely readers,

I hope your semesters are off to a stellar start and you are excited for your new classes. Today’s post is about focusing on the good in your life. It is easy to find ourselves focusing on all the negatives in our lives and complaining about things we may not be able to change. Life can seem like a drag sometimes, with so many obligations and responsibilities we get overwhelmed. I constantly find myself complaining about things that I cannot change or being negative about something really great. For example, college; college can be hard sometimes and we always say the line I hate school or homework, whatever it may be that you dislike about it. But, today I had a realization that these things I often take for granted are things people would kill to have. Even this morning I heard countless people complaining about the cold, which I was cold too, but as I sat there in my warm coat and winter boots I became very thankful. There are dozens of people living on the streets that have no winter clothes or boots, and there are millions of people that will not attend college because they cannot afford to or they do not even have the option. So yes, homework and college can be annoying and it may be freezing cold but sometimes it’s good to step back from those things and count your blessings. Which leads me to today’s quote.


Today’s Quote: “Stop watering the weeds in your life and start watering the flowers”

In my examples, the weeds would be complaining about the weather or a class and the flowers would be the positives. Once again, it is always easier to complain about things but sometimes we need to pull the positive out of a situation. This tactic will also boost your mood, I mean who would want to talk about gloomy things anyway. Nobody likes to listen to a negative Nelly.

This can also be applied to a bigger picture, such as me quitting cheer. I could have stuck with it and kept watering something that was bringing negative energy into my life or I could move on to things that would positively impact me. It’s like the door example, you can’t keep beating on a door hoping it will turn into a window. Same goes here, pay attention to what is good in your life. One of my blogger friends mentioned in a recent post that she writes down 2-3 positive things at the end of everyday. I think this a wonderful way to layout your day, and whether it was bad or good you can really see what you’ve accomplished. I can add a link below if you would like to check out her full article. This is a practice that I may start as well.

As always, I like to be honest and forward with my readers. This post is a thing I am practicing in the new year, and thus far I have seen results. I am learning to really focus my energy on the things that will make my soul happy. I am finding myself to be less worried about judgement and what others may think of me. It is a slow process, but I am like any other human and I’m trying. This post was thought up because it has been working for me so far in the baby steps and I’m excited to continue. So remember readers, take care of your beautiful soul and feed it with positivity. Be grateful for what you have, and if you’re having a bad day think of all the good things in your life.

Thank you for reading today, I am trying to come up with a posting schedule but I also like having the freedom to post when I think of something. I also I am in the works of coming up with a new fashion post for you all but I am a little stuck since I am over winter fashion already. Anyone else ready for summer?

For a link to my friends blog, The Petite Prep, click here.

Please share.




Saturday Adventure: Coffee & Conversation

Hello Readers,

Today I spent my morning with a great friend, first we grabbed coffee at a super cute coffee shop and talked for a couple of hours. Then we walked around and grabbed a bite to eat at a gastro pub, the food was amazing and filled with flavor. I found this little date to be very awesome, we had such great conversations and shared so much. It had been awhile since we last hung out and we left off on weird terms. I am so glad we were able to catch up and reconnect over my favorite addiction: coffee.


Finding great friends who are able to have great conversations is a priceless puzzle piece to my life. It is so hard to find people these days that want to talk about real stuff, rather than people and things but the bigger picture. This morning we carried on about the future, success and the world around us. I get so bored with having conversations about people and parties. I value a good conversation over many other material things. Today was so important to me because I was beginning to feel like I did not have any friends that valued the same things as me but sometimes a good talk and a strong espresso can really change your perspective.

I encourage my readers to be adventurous this year, you do not always have to spend a lot of money to find it. Grab a friend and go to a new coffee shop, or take a hike on the beach. ( yes, even in the winter) Life is about our experiences, find good people and make great memories. Today, do something that will make your heart happy. Sometimes it’s okay not to worry about the money and splurge a little bit. Today I spent $21 and it was very well worth it. It was a great way to start my year and semester and I can’t wait to do it more. Be risky, if you meet an interesting person in class ask them to be your study or to grab coffee. The worst thing they can say is no. Be less fearful of being rejected and put yourself out there. It can be scary to be vulnerable and you never want to feel stupid, but in 20 years is it really still going to be embarrassing that someone turned you down for coffee. Probably not.

This post is slightly different than my usual takes but I just want to remind readers everyday to take risks, be adventurous and reconnect with old friends. Do what makes your heart happy and things will fall into place. Go forth with passion and you will find your way from there. Never be afraid to feel uncomfortable; be comfortable with being uncomfortable. That is the best way to put it. 

Thank you for reading today! Once again this one was a little different but I may start doing this more. If you are interested in the stops we made today and are close to the Grand Rapids area, I highly recommend these places. Please share if you enjoyed it and leave your comments below. I appreciate all the love I have received from you all in recent posts and I hope I can continue to please you. Thank you all!!

~Rowster Coffee | Greenwell~




Why Quitting Shouldn’t be seen as Failure.

Hello Readers,

Today I want to address the topic of quitting. Whether it’s a job, a sport or a bad habit, quitting can be hard. Quitting is often put in the same category as failure, it is compared to “giving up”, but quitting is not always a bad thing. There is two types of quitting; there is “it’s too hard and I don’t want to try.” (this is the bad form of quitting) and there is “it’s no longer improving my life and there is something better out there.” It’s important to learn the difference between these two forms of quitting before you judge someone for quitting.

Recently, I made a huge decision to quit something that has been apart of my life for almost 9 years and made me the person I am today. That is: Cheerleading. I started cheerleading in middle school and continued into high school. Cheerleading was and has been a huge part of my life. I tried out for my college team in the end of my senior year of high school and that continued my journey with the sport to college. Cheering in college was one of my greatest experiences, I was able to meet so many new people and I even got to cheer at a national competition in Daytona Beach, Florida. It was a dream come true!

But, as my second year with the program began this past summer, things began to change. The team had new members, the cliques began to form and I was feeling indifferent about the whole thing. I found myself constantly down on myself and my teammates. I am not one to gossip but I found myself doing it more and more as the year progressed. I also have never felt as negative about my body as I did this past season. Slowly things began to add up to the point that I would cry after practice and stress out constantly. This is not who I am nor is it who I want to be. This was supposed to be my stress reliever, why was it the main cause for my stress?

One day after a hard practice, I was talking to one of my coaches and I lost it. I told him that cheerleading wasn’t the same for me this year. When I started cheer I loved the challenge in learning new skills and I loved the team aspect. This past season though, it felt different. The people were different, I did not have the drive I once had and I think that was partially from the disconnected team and coaches. I found myself surrounded with people I no longer felt like being around. The sport also costed me a lot of money, and coming from a single parent home I don’t have much to throw around. So, I had to make a rather tough decision and came to the conclusion to quit. Although the decision was very hard because I still loved the sport, it wasn’t hard to see in the end it would be better for my health and my bank account. I also am traveling to France this summer on a study abroad program and saving my money is crucial to me going.

But, out of this story I want to highlight the point of quitting and failure. I was often held back by this idea that quitting meant failure, and I was not a quitter. Hell, I have a tattoo that says never give up, how could I quit!?


Well, I am here to tell you all quitting is not failure if what you are quitting is no longer a positive influence in your life. That may seem too simple but that is the ultimate deciding factor. Before I quit, I reached out to many people and this was one of the things someone told me-and it stuck! There are many other reasons to quit but think about it like this: your life is a book (cheesy, I know but trust me!) and if you never quit anything and just stayed on one page, would you ever grow or be presented with new opportunities? Probably not. Since I have been cheering for so long, I feel like I was always defined by cheerleading because it was what I did, but that’s the key. It was an activity, not who I am. What you do is not who you are and you shouldn’t let that stop you. If you studied for three years to be a nurse but you figure out being a photographer is what really sparks the fire in your soul, do that! Just because you did something doesn’t mean you have to keep doing it. Live your life for yourself.

If you are working at a okay job and making okay money, that’s fine but if you were presented with a better job with better pay, you should take it. It is a better opportunity that will positively impact you, why would you stay at job you are not growing in.

So, as you can see quitting isn’t always bad. Now if you are just starting a new sport or a new job and it’s hard and you don’t think you like it, don’t quit. Give it a chance. Quitting something is only okay when your health or happiness is being jeopardized. Life is too short, everything you do should be impacting your life in a positive way, or at least bringing you some sort of happiness while doing it. And if it is not, maybe you should begin to evaluate where you want to be and where you are now, and really think is this what I want. When you do decide to quit something you need to think about it in a way that you are making room for something new and better, you know the old sane “close one door open another.”


Disclaimer: I do have a tattoo that says “never give up” and I want to explain that never give up is a general statement that I follow. It means never give up on your dreams or goals, never give up on life and never give up on love. Life is not always going to be easy and although giving up may seem like the way out, it’s not. Work hard for the things you want and they will come. Never give up. This doesn’t mean never quit anything even if you are unhappy. It just means work hard for your dreams everyday until they are achieved. Example: I wanted to cheer in college and compete in Daytona Beach on the band shell-and I did just that. Now there is more to life and I am going to find it.

Please excuse me while I be basic, but this really is a “new year, new me” scenario. I haven’t not cheered since 2008 and this year will be very different for me. I cannot wait to explore myself beyond cheer. Since making the decision to quit, I have learned that life is short and everything you do needs to be important to you. Be kind to the people around you and spread love, but before you can do that you need to love yourself. You need to invest in yourself. If you are making decisions based on what other people are telling you, then you are doing it all wrong. This is your life and you need to live it the way you want.

Thank you for reading tonight, this post is really big for me because it is my first public debut since I quit. I figured my beloved readers should be the first to know. (publicly that is!) I hope this post can also act as guide for you if you find yourself struggling with the decision to quit. If you do find yourself in this predicament feel free to contact me via email, I would be happy to give advice. Email:

Please share. 

Wishing you the best in 2016,

