Knowledge is Power {Back to Campus}

Hello Beautiful Readers,

Today will be the last post in my Back to Campus series. I want to center the focus of this post on knowledge and how lucky you are to be a student, if you are one. This may seem interesting to you, or not at all, but either way I want to address it.

If you are a student who is headed back to school, whether it is college or high school, you should be feeling excited and lucky. Now, you probably think I am crazy for thinking school is exciting, but hear me out:

Roughly, 70 million children are unable to attend school due to lack of money, resources or other issues. They will never have a chance to broaden their minds and learn these concepts we are exposed to in school. Most of them will not attend college either. Today, in the information age of the world, knowledge is literally power. It’s not about family or class, which can play a factor, but it’s about WHAT you know.

Don’t get me wrong, I do not love piles of homework and long research papers with nitty gritty instructions, but I do love that I am able to discuss world issues with my peers and talk about events in history and how they impact us today. This may seem pretty normal for some of us, but there are people in the world who will never have the same chance as you have to be educated.

I am not here to make you feel bad, by any means, but I want you to understand the blessing of having the opportunity to be educated. School is boring at times–I get it, but when you begin to engage in certain areas and become interested, you will find yourself in a happier environment. (Not a fact, but assuming)

We often times find ourselves getting overwhelmed with school work and actual work, and it’s almost too much. My marketing professor kind of inspired this post because his whole lecture on Friday was centered on this idea of knowledge and why it’s important today. He told us hard work is great but just because you worked hard doesn’t mean you are right or you’ve given what’s needed. This definitely sounds harsh, but when you think about it in a business/real world situation, people do not care about the input. They care about the output, what are they benefiting from you or your work.

This is a harsh reality, but if you are able to understand this I think life will be a little easier for you. Before you get offended for not being the best, think about what you know and see if there is anywhere you could better yourself. Being educated in today’s society is key to being successful. Being able to understand the past and how it’s events have impacted the present, but also being able to predict possibilities for the future can make you a valuable person in society.

So, the next time you are reading your text book or groaning about doing a research paper, just remember you don’t have to love the process but be thankful for the opportunity that you have to be educated.

Also, side note, I am not stating that college is the only way to be educated and successful. Success is measured in many different ways, you can be self-educated and still be successful. My point is to be thankful for the resources and opportunities that college does give you before you get angry about them.


Credit: Boss Babe

I hope this pot can change your perspective a little for the new school year. Go in with an open mind and a willingness to actually learn the material. I am also going to work on applying this concept more; I want to read up on the field I am interested in and be sure I follow the news of the markets. Learning can be fun when it is interesting to you.

I challenge all of my readers to truly apply yourself this semester, take care of your body & soul, get inspired and most of all, do your best. If you missed the other posts in this series I will link them below, make sure you read them all for max inspiration. I have brand new series beginning later this week, which I am really excited for, so stay tuned.

Vision Board | Happy & Healthy | Monday Mindset

Happy Labor Day & Happy Monday.

xo, Lyss

Liebster Award

Hello Cuties,

The-Liebster-Award-pastel-550x550  I recently was nominated for the Liebster Award by Finding Peace Inside , so thank you to her for challenging me with a new post. I am truly honored and so excited to share a little about myself with my readers, as well as connect with the blogging community. This is a new style of post for me but I am hoping you all can learn a little about me and connect with some of my favorite bloggers. Blogging is all about gaining connections and finding inspiration through other blogs.

So, what is the Liebster Award? This is an award that connects bloggers all across the internet. This award dates back to about 2011, it’s a great way to connect with other bloggers, as well as find your new favorites. Liebster in German means sweetest, kindest, nicest, dearest, beloved, lovely, kind, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing, and welcome. So, I am picking my favorite bloggers to be nominated, which I hope some of them will become your favorite too. Let’s get started…

So, this is how it works…

The rules:

  • Thank the blogger that nominated you
  • Write 11 random facts about yourself
  • Answer the 11 questions asked by the blogger that nominated you
  • Nominate 5 to 11 other bloggers and let them know they’ve been nominated
  • Come up with 11 questions for the bloggers you’re nominating

Random Facts:

  1. I love a good vanilla latte
  2. I was a college cheerleader for 2 years
  3. I learned to use a sewing machine at age 6
  4. My favorite color is sea foam green
  5. My favorite book is Leave Your Mark by Aliza Licht
  6. I think mermaids could be real…
  7. I love the ocean and stars because they are fasicnating & mostly undiscovered
  8. If traveling didn’t cost money you would never see me again
  9. Fashion is my passion
  10. I love meeting new people, especially from other countries
  11. & lastly, I can speak a little French

Answers to questions:

  • If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you be? I would definitely be back in Paris, sipping a coffee and people watching in a cafe. I also wouldn’t mind being somewhere in England, exploring the green hills or drinking in a pub.
  • What are two things your are very thankful for? I am very thankful for the adventures  I have been able to take before age 20 and my family & friends; without these things I would not be the person I am today. My family and friends have supported me in all my endeavors and my adventures have all taught me lessons that changed my life in some way.
  • Would you rather go star gazing or have a movie night with friends?  Stargazing for sure, the stars are so fascinating to me, as I mentioned above in my facts. I think it is amazing that so much of space is untouched, the stars are so raw and mysterious.
  • What are four things that make you happy?  Traveling, coffee, cats and spending time with friends
  • What’s one interesting fact about your family?  Our heritage is mostly Native American.
  • Coolest thing you’ve done recently?   Traveled to France and studied French for 6 weeks, while living with a host family.
  • What is one word you’re described as a lot?  Inspiring
  • Have you visited any countries outside of your own? Which ones? Yes; France, England, Bahamas, Canada & Monaco.
  • What is one way you love others? Hugs.
  • Forest or city? Both!
  • What’s your favorite number and why?  13 & I do not know why.

My nominations…

Simply Tess

A Touch of Tulle

Where the Wild Flowers Are


From Fashion With Love

My Questions:

  1. Favorite thing to do on a rainy day?
  2. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be?
  3. Mountains or Ocean? Why?
  4. What’s your favorite quote?
  5. What inspires you?
  6. Five things that make you happy?
  7. Something people don’t usually know about you?
  8. What are two things you couldn’t live without?
  9. What is something you are thankful for?
  10. What is your dream job/career?
  11. Why did you start blogging?

I hope you all enjoyed this post, don’t forget to go check out Finding Peace Inside, as well as the other nominated blogs. If you were nominated, you do not have to feel obligated to participate but this was definitely a fun way to share more about yourself with your readers beyond your content. I wish you all a productive Wednesday, don’t forget to think positive!

Cheers to the middle of the week.

xo, Lyss

Quote of the Day:





Monday Mindset {Back to Campus}

Hello Readers,

It’s another Monday, but this one is different for some of us; it’s the first day of classes. Whether you are starting classes today or just heading into the office, everybody usually dreads Monday’s. It’s the end of the weekend and the day seems to drag on, but fear not Monday’s are not all bad. Monday’s are all about mindset; you wake up and say “ugh, Monday!!” and then your day sucks. Life is about the perspective you have on it, if you can change your Monday mindset to “Hey, it’s a new week for me to accomplish something great”, then maybe you won’t dread Monday’s so bad.

I love Monday’s because they are the first step to a great week, if you can organize your weekly goals on Monday and make the best of the day, your whole perspective for the week will be changed. I figured this was a good topic to cover on my Back to Campus series because each week of classes starts on a Monday (usually).

Since I already gave a little rant on why Monday’s can be great, I’ll share a few of my favorite quotes that I like to keep around to keep me motivated everyday, but especially on Monday’s.

These are only a few of my favorites, but I love looking at new quotes every week. They  keep me inspired and motivated, plus they are cute. I found all of these on Pinterest, of course! You can create your own, or find them on the internet.

Just remember that each day is a gift, and even if you do have a bad Monday, don’t sweat it. Life is short, keep that day behind you and make the rest of the week great. Sure, we all have bad days but do not start the week with an “I hate Monday” mindset or your whole week is at risk of being ruined. Stay positive & attack the day.

I hope this little post will help you kick off a wonderful semester, it’s not really a guide or tips style post, but it’s important to have little motivation in the beginning of the semester. That is the main point of my Back to Campus series, not to show you my school clothes and supplies, but to share my insight on being motivated and healthy. I hope you are able to gain something from these posts, if not please stay tuned for a fashion filled week in the near future.

Today’s Challenge: Adjust your mindset from “I hate Monday & Summer is over” to “I can do this & It’s a brand new day to accomplish some goals”

Happy Monday Readers.

xo, Lyss 

Quote of the Day:


Staying Happy & Healthy {Back to Campus}

Hello Lovely Readers,

As we know, a new semester starts next week (or the week after that) and that means we are going to be busy, busy, busy. Along with being busy we tend to forget to take care of ourselves, in the sense that we eat bad foods, get negative on our self-image and forget to take time for ourselves. This may seem silly, but it is very important to take care of your body, physically and mentally.

Since I have returned from France, I have been failing at keeping healthy as far as working out and eating well. This is something that happens to the best of us, and it’s easy to do; but especially during busy times it is crucial to pay attention to this. Physical activity and healthy eating will help keep your mind sharp and sane.

I thought for today’s Back to Campus post I could share some quick, healthy recipes for students and some tips on how to take care of yourself.

Staying Healthy:

My first advice about trying to eat healthy in college is by meal prepping some things, now this does not mean you have to go crazy or anything. Prepping things ahead of time, when you have time, helps you eat healthier because when you in a hurry you tend to compromise your diet. So, I often make a bunch of chicken breast and then eat it through out the week. This makes meals easy too, you can pair that with whatever veggie or pasta you want.

Snacking can be tough to beat, you just want a greasy burrito or a large pizza, but try to save your stomach and bank by snacking on more fruits and veggies. Yes, that sounds boring but start small. My favorite snack is cucumbers with salt or carrots with ranch dip. You can cheat from time to time, trust me I do, but small changes still keep you healthier than none at all.

Here are few of my favorite recipes:

Grilled Green Beans

Grilled Lemon Chicken

Banana Breakfast Bars ( You can add other fruits and nuts to this!)

Asian Chicken Stir-Fry (Can be changed to your liking, not all listed ingredients are needed)

Strawberry Spinach Salad

I totally understand that these can be very difficult to prepare on a busy schedule, but this is where meal prepping comes in handy. I usually do most of my cooking on Sunday nights, that way I am set for the week.

Once again, buying healthy alternatives will help you grab something healthier in that hunger kick rather than something unhealthy. My rule is eat healthy, but if someone offers you a cupcake you take it.


Obviously, showering and hygiene fall under this category, but more specifically I want to address making time for yourself. Time to unwind, get inspired and de-stress. This may not seem so important, but it is! This kind of stuff helps keep you out of depression and keep the positive vibes coming.

School, work and responsibilities are very important, but your mental healthy trumps all of those things. You have to be 100% mentally to be able to perform any of the above. Therefore, self-care and free time are important.

Physical activity can fall under this category too because physical activity gets the endorphin’s flowing to your brain, therefore bringing you more happiness and less stress. So, if you have lots of homework or deadlines, it may not be a bad idea to take a short run or hike to clear your mind.

Here are some more tips:

Take care of your skin: This may be an obvious task for some people, but when life gets busy it’s easy for us to skip this step before bed or in the morning. Taking care of your skin will help lessen break outs and keep your skin glowing.

Take time to do something for yourself: Each week find something to do just for yourself, whether that is a hot yoga class or getting coffee. Do whatever will help you de-stress and reconnect with yourself.

Stay active: Working out daily is great for some people, if that’s not you try to work out at least 3 times a week. This helps clear your mind and blow of some steam. Finding a work out that works for you is also important to keeping you interested in the activity.

Be positive: Try to stay positive and optimistic, literally think good vibes! If you have a bad day or morning and you let that consume you, then you will continue to have bad days. Trust me I have been there, having a negative mind set does not make the semester easier. Relating back to the last Back to Campus post, utilizing a vision board could help you stay positive and optimistic about your goals.

Treat yourself: This may sound funny, but after a long week or crazy day it’s okay to splurge a little. Buy yourself some ice cream or get a pedicure, whatever will make you happy. This is another way to stay motivated too! When you accomplish a goal, you can celebrate with something fun.

These are just a couple of my tips to staying sane this semester, life can get crazy but never forget to take care of yourself, both mentally and physically. If you have other tips you would like to share, feel free to in the comments. I am sorry about the delay on this post, I had a crazy day yesterday and just could not finish the post. I hope you all have a great Tuesday and a great week. I will post again later this week, stay tuned.

Thanks for reading!

xo, Lyss






Trend Forecast: Is Embroidery Making a Comeback?

Hello Fashion People,

Today I am talking about one of my new favorite trends that is upon us: Embroidery. Yes, I said embroidery. This word is probably familiar to your grandma, but now it is a hot fashion trend sweeping street styles everywhere. I began to have an obsession for embroidered pieces after finding the perfect jacket in France, but this trend is making its comeback for the Fall season. I think embroidered pieces add character to any outfit and you can wear many different embroidered pieces. I’ll share some examples below:

Embroidered Jackets:

Embroidered Shoes:

Embroidered Denim:

Embroidered Skirts, Shirts & More:

Find similar styles at these stores:

H&M | Zara | Mango | Dolce & Gabbana | Bergdorf Goodman

I think everyone should own at least one embroidered piece in their closet, it is an easy way to add a pop of color to any outfit. I, personally, love the embroidered style on jackets and coats, it is beautiful.

I adore this trend because it is a gateway to haute couture style without the price tag. You don’t often see this type of fashion in your everyday wear. It’s popular on the runway and in a Vogue issue, but not little old me’s closet. This new trend makes it possible for us mainstream people to get in touch with our inner haute couture.

Funny thing about this “trend” is that it is nothing new; Embroidery has been around for ages. Literally, it is dated back to 30,000 BC. It is interesting to see it making a comeback because if we saw this style a few years back we would cringe and say yuck. I love seeing old fashions be recycled, they always return in a new light. You probably wear these trends differently than your mom may have, and she probably wore them differently than her grandma did. I love that!

I think it’s refreshing to see this style making a comeback because it is an artistic piece of fashion, these embroidered designs take time to create and sew. It brings a traditional skill back to the design table and I think that is amazing. I’m a lover of classics and this has to be one of my favorites in the recent trends.

So, grab some embroidered pieces for your Fall wardrobe and share your current favorite trend with me on Twitter @Vogue_VanGogh. I would love to hear your thoughts!

Thank you for reading today and check out my friend Tessa’s blog, Simply Tess for a new collaborative series I am apart of with 3 other beautiful bloggers. I am so excited to be getting started with so many new series and I hope you are too. Stay connected with me by signing up for my email list in the corner of this page.

Enjoy today.

xo, Lyss

Quote of the Day:


Making the Most of Your Time

Hello Cuties,

Everyday we are all given the same 24 hours, no one gets to cheat and get 25, we all are given an equal chance to make the most of what we are given. How are you going to make the most of today?

I really was not sure what to write about for today, but after doing some soul searching on Pinterest I decided this was a good topic. This does not only pertain to being productive, it also means making a life you love and working on that everyday. We are not promised a tomorrow, therefore we should make each day count.

In life we have responsibilities that can often overwhelm us and cause us to become stressed and clam up. We then fall into routine and the days start to be wasted.

A new semester is upon us and that means our deadlines and responsibilities are about to be filling our schedules. I want to encourage you to work at making everyday productive and worth your while. Set goals, make a bucket list and use an agenda; this will give you motivation and keep you on track. In my last post I shared one way I stay inspired and display my goals and that is by making a Vision Board. I also love using my agenda to organize my thoughts and deadlines, and I always keep a notebook handy for bright ideas. These things keep me inspired and motivated to stay productive.

Here are my tips to making the most of your time:

Make a Bucket List: Make this a small scale bucket list, what things you want to do by the end of the year, not just the end of your life. Take adventures with your best friends, take adventures alone and take time to find who you are and who you want to be. Make time for yourself.

Set Goals: What do you want to have accomplished by the end of the year? What do you want to have accomplished by summer? What is your ‘big’ goal for the year (Internship, new job, etc.) Make these goals realistic and obtainable.

Use a Planner: My planner is my life saver, a lot of people do not use a planner or agenda and I have no idea how. It keeps my responsibilities in one place, I know when all my deadlines are and I can have a visual of them. I suggest this to keep track of all your activities, it’s not the fun part of this whole time saving thing but it will help you manage your time.

Make a To-Do list: Lists aren’t for everyone but I personally like to make them to see what I have to accomplish in a day. This helps me be productive. The best tip in the book is always starting with your biggest task in the morning then working down the rest of the list throughout the day. Lists help you stay on track and accomplish more, therefore saving you precious time.

| Check out Team Boss Babe on Twitter & Instagram for some more amazing inspiration |

These are just my personal favorites to making them most of my days and time. This month my list of to-do’s is quite long, from building up my resume to finding a internship, I know I will be using these all to make each day count. Thank you all for reading today; I know this post was a spur of the moment for me, so I hope you still enjoyed reading it. Happy Wednesday!

Take a chance this week.

xo, Lyss



Vision Board {Back to Campus}

Hello Readers,

I am starting a new series here on my blog similar to other back to school series, but this one will be about how to mentally prepare to slay this school year. When a new semester rolls around life tends to pick up and we often get lost in the day to day routine. This back to school series is going to help guide you to having the best semester not only academically but personally.

I think the best way to start a new school year/semester is to organize and prioritize your goals, both short time and long term. I have recently created a vision board for myself to display my goals and dreams. Today, I am going to share what a vision board is and how you can create one for yourself.

A vision board can be anything from a piece of paper with your goals written on it to a cork board that you have decked out with photos and quotes to keep you inspired. For me, I chose the second option.

What you’ll need:

  • Cork board (size is your choice)
  • Cute push pins/tacks
  • Favorite quotes/photos
  • Goals/Dreams

A vision board is not only a way to display your goals and aspirations, but a way to get creative. I use my vision board not only for my goals but for a place to get inspired. I put pictures of my favorite things or important people in my life. It is a great way to stay inspired and see your goals on a daily basis.

When creating your vision board you can add stickers, colorful paper and whatever else you can get creative with. I like to use cut outs from magazines, especially fashion magazines. I am always inspired by magazines. Utilize things that inspire you!

Vision boards can also be used for mapping out projects or big goals, it is a great way to organize your thoughts in one place.

Here are some examples from Pinterest:

For the rest of this Back to Campus series I will be posting tips on self-love, staying motivated and staying healthy. I thought this would be a fun first post because there is no better way to start the semester other than laying out your goals and getting inspired. I love my vision board and how it turned out. Vision boards are also really flexible, so when you are feeling a change or you have new goal halfway through the semester you can just add it to the board. It keeps your mindset fresh and your goals in sight.

What are some ways you get motivated and stay inspired during the school year? I would love to hear your thoughts. The beginning of the semester can be tough, but starting strong with a good mindset will help you in the end.

Thank you all for reading the first post in my Back to Campus series, I hope you all loved it and can utilize the idea. Check back next week for another post in this new series! It is a new week and I wish all my beautiful readers a successful and productive week ahead.

Now, go make your amazing vision board; have fun, be creative and stay inspired!

Happy Monday.

xo, Lyss

Monday Motivation:


Lessons Learned From Study Abroad

Hello Pretty People,

As you all know I recently returned from studying abroad in France for 6 weeks. I have to tell you it was the best time of my life. I am not writing this to rub my experience in your face, but to encourage you to be adventurous and live your life to the fullest. If you are thinking about studying abroad or traveling abroad, I say yes. While I was abroad I experienced so many amazing things and I want to share what I learned with all of you. These are just ways, in my opinion, to get the most out of your traveling experience, whether it is study abroad or just leisurely travel.

  1. Say yes to adventure: Here you are on an experience of a lifetime surrounded by amazing opportunities, so make sure you say “yes” often. You will find yourself feeling very tired and sore, especially when you are traveling a lot, but do not miss a great adventure because of sleep. You can catch up on sleep when you are home, but you may not ever get this moment again. Disclaimer: Make moral decisions when saying yes, I do not mean do drugs if they are offered to you. Just do not pass up any opportunity to feel alive.
  2. Embrace every moment: You are going to be experiencing so much, so fast; every now and then make sure you take a moment to really embrace your surroundings. I found myself in a new place almost everyday; you are sweating from walking and tired from nonstop travel, but take a moment to really experience where you are.
  3. Step outside your comfort zone: This relates to the first one, but you will be presented with many new and different experiences that may be out of your typical day-to-day life. Do not be afraid to try them, life in your new country will not always be parallel to your life at home and that’s okay. Push your own limits and stretch your mind to new places.
  4. Make new friends: I met some of the greatest people on my trip to France, I know it was only a few weeks but I have already connected with so many of them. You also will make some of the best friendships if you are traveling in a group from your university. There were people from all over, and every night my little group would meet up with these people to go out together, it was amazing. These people you meet will have different and bright perspectives, take time to listen to their views and learn about them. Also, hanging out with these people from around the world will teach you so much, so do not be afraid to stray from your university friends to hang out with new people. You will have lots of time back home to hang out with them, so take this opportunity to learn from others.
  5. Be open minded: Studying abroad is amazing, but it can also be very tough. It is a mental and physical challenge, you will encounter many new and different experiences and you have to be adaptable to these changes. Being open minded to these changes will only help you in the end. On my trip I lived with a host family and this was the biggest challenge for me, I did not know much French when I arrived and I knew there would be a couple awkward moments. But, I kept an open mind and realized that I would not always know words, but in the end I learned to communicate well with my host mom and it turned out to be one of my favorite parts of the experience.

Overall, any form of traveling is the greatest wealth you can gain. You gain new ideas, inspirations and perspectives from your experiences. I know that I have never felt more alive than when I did when I was in France. Everyday was a new day to experience something great, some days I could not even process how lucky and alive I was. This is another underlying lesson that will be carried over aside from the ones above, living life to the fullest. Everyone in this world exists, but not many people live. Everyday is truly a gift and people need to realize that more often, embrace the moments that matter and leave the small stuff behind. Traveling makes all the little problems in your life seem smaller.

If you have even contemplated on traveling or studying abroad, I encourage you to take the leap and step outside of your comfort zone. It is the best way to find yourself and experience amazing things. It can be a costly endeavor but it is worth every penny, I promise.

Thank you all for reading this post. If you have ever studied abroad or have your own travel lesson to share, please feel free to post it in the comments below. I’d love to hear my readers thoughts. I hope this was helpful to you, if you are considering study abroad. I know that returning from France a small piece of me is forever there. Traveling can be difficult because you will never be home again because a small part of you will always be in the places you travel. Thank you again for reading!

Happy Friday, Cuties.

xo, Lyss


Summer Book Review

Hello Pretty People,

While traveling through France I had a few chances to catch up on some reading, thanks to long train and plane rides. I packed a few of my own books for the long plane ride, but once I arrived in France I picked up some magazines from the newsstand and a friend actually bought me a fashion book as a gift. (Shout out to Danielle!) I am so excited to share a few of my favorite books/magazines with all of you, I hope you like them too!


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Paris Street Style | IT by Alexa Chung | How To Be Parisian Wherever You Are

All three of these books were witty, fun reads. I absolutely loved “How To Be Parisian”; it had a sassy undertone to it and it was the ultimate guide to the Parisian lifestyle. I liked the tone that the authors used, it was fun and laid back, but still well written. I also finished “IT”, which was another cute book. It was a short read and straight to the point, it wasn’t the best book I’ve ever read but it is a great book to have on your shelf for a little inspiration. I was unable to finish the Paris Street Style one because it is more of a ‘guide’ styled book, which I love. It contains interviews from designers, authors, and Parisians. It is a perfect mash-up of the beloved street style in Paris. I also think this is a great book for inspiration, as far as fashion and style. All are recommended!


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Vogue: Paris | Grazia | Madame Figaro

I picked up these three magazines the first week I was in Nice, I found out that Vogue is cheaper in France, score!! I really loved this Madame Figaro magazine because it was mix of music and fashion, two of my favorite things, and it also had a witty tone to it. It was very rocker chick meets girly girl; I loved the content. This one was also very affordable. The other magazine I found was this Grazia magazine, this one reminded me of Vogue. It had the same style and content, so I also liked this one. Then, of course, the god of them all is my all time favorite: Vogue Paris. I am a huge fan of Vogue, hence the name of my blog, and I loved this issue. This issue featured the south of France, which was convenient for me. I really liked looking at the differences between my American Vogue and the French one.

I recommend all of these magazines, and definitely check out the newsstands while traveling in other countries. I found some awesome magazines and newspapers, it is cool to see other perspectives on different industries.

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If you have any book recommendation for me please share them in the comments. I love books like these or confidence, girl power books. What are your favorite books?

Thank you all for reading my little post today, I recently moved so once again I did not post on Monday. I am still slowly adjusting, but stay connected with me! I am working on lots of new series and posts, so don’t give up on me yet.

Happy Wednesday.

xo, Lyss 

My Guide to Paris Street Style

Hello Cuties,

Looking for that perfect guide to Parisian style? Well lucky for you I was able to do some research on Paris Street Style; basically I just observed the people in Paris everyday. First of all, Parisians are the gods of street style, lets just clear that up. They are always chic, even when they aren’t trying. I do not know how they do it, but they rock it.

Everyday I rode the metro for 40 minutes to get to my class, at first I dreaded the long commute but I quickly fell in love with it when I passed the Eiffel Tower every morning and I got to see all these perfect Parisians getting on and off the train. I was able to see new and different outfits/styles every morning. I took some of my own creepy photos to capture the outfits. For my guide to Paris Street Style I am going to share my personal outfits that I put together during the week, along with photos I took on the streets. I will also add an essentials closet guide at the end of the post, so you can build your Parisian wardrobe for the Fall. Lets get started!

My style for the week:

Embroidered Jacket | AE Ripped Jeans | Simple Yellow Tank

Simple ‘Bad Habits’ Tee | Army Green Long Skirt | Steve Madden Tote

Blue Striped Button Down | AE Ripped Jeans |Vintage Black Purse | Vintage Scarf

Light Washed Denim Shorts | Striped Sweater w/ Patches | Favorite Bracelet Set

These were my favorite outfits out of the week, I won’t share specific brand names for everything because it’s more about the outfit than the brands I am wearing. I want to show you outfits that are possible with basics from your existing wardrobe. For example, the blue button down can be exchanged for a white button down or the striped sweater can be swapped out for a solid colored sweater. Sometimes you just have to revamp your current wardrobe by changing your perspective on your old clothes. Play with new pairs and mix it up.

Straight from the Streets:


One of my favorite things about the fashion in Paris is how the women can turn a tomboy look feminine by a simple accessory or some lipstick. The fashion for women is very “from my boyfriends closet” look; it’s comfortable yet still chic. The men of France are also stylish, they roll their black denim jeans and wear the same button downs as the women. Probably because the women took that same button up from them last week. Button downs are a staple piece for the Parisians closet, for men and women. Elbow patches on sweaters and button downs are popular right now too. Another popular fashion is wearing Adidas or New Balance tennis shoes with basically everything, as seen above a blue polka dot dress or boyfriend jeans and leather jacket. I also find it interesting how Parisians will wear jeans and a jacket right in the heart of summer, I guess fashion never waits for the weather.

I really liked the top photo; it’s 3 friends walking side by side and all their outfits coordinate in the slightest way: brown purses, black flats and black pleated trousers. They are the perfect shot of Paris street style, simple, classic and chic.

Parisian Style in your existing wardrobe:

  • Button downs of any sort: A classic button down can be paired with your favorite jeans, an old skirt or worn as pajamas.
  • Favorite Jeans: This is up to your discretion, these are a pair of jeans that fit perfect and hug your booty just right. They are your go to pants and they match everything.
  • Bold Jacket: This is similar to my embroidered jacket in the beginning, this can be tailored to your personal style though. This jacket may be a moto-styled leather jacket or a cozy petticoat style jacket. I recently purchased this one and I love it, it matches a lot and it will be my new go-to jacket in the Fall.
  • Trousers or Slacks: These should be black, but a patterned style never hurts. These are the perfect way to dress up a casual look. Plus, black matches everything so they don’t hurt to have.
  • Old Sweater: This is another piece that can be paired with your favorite jeans or worn to bed. Always keep those sweaters on hand for the cold months!
  • Cozy Scarf: In my Nice Fashion post I mention the importance of owning a light weight scarf for the beach, but when the Fall rolls around you will also need to find a big, cozy scarf to wear on the chilly days. A big scarf is also a good way to avoid wearing a hefty coat for a couple more weeks, you can bundle up in the big scarf.
  • Signature Shoes: This is another option that can be tailored to your personal style, if you’re sporty maybe this is a pair of original Adidas trainers or if you are the classy type this could be a pair of mule flats. Whatever you prefer, find a shoe that can be worn with all outfits and in most seasons. (If you are from Michigan you understand why I say most seasons, because you have one option in January…snow boots.)
  • Scarf for your Purse: Find a ascot styled scarf from your local vintage or resale shop and throw it on an old purse to renovate its look.

I truly fell in love with the fashion in Paris when I was there, I am all about my own style but I am definitely going to add some Parisian touches to my style. I love their simplicity and classic look, they really know how to capture the feminine look in the simplest way. Minimal make up, undone hair and a killer outfit. I am inspired. Fashion is not about being outrageous or bright, it can be, but it is your definition to the world. Your everyday look is how people judge you, what do you want your message to the world to be. I think fashion plays a huge role in our lives, even when we don’t think so. Fashion is always changing and I love that, in life we need solid things but we also need things that change. In with new, out with the old.

I hope you all enjoyed reading this post as much as I liked writing it. Once again, I adored the fashion in Paris and France, in general. It is so defined and classic. I would love for you to share any of your fashion favorites below in the comments. I am still working on so many France related posts and they will slowly be mixing into my normal posts here soon. If you would like to see more specific posts from me, please feel free to share those below as well. I am going to be working on a lot of projects in the coming weeks, so stay tuned for new posts. Subscribe now, and you won’t miss out later!

Happy Fri-yay!

xo, Lyss

Quote for your Friday:
