
Lessons Learned From Study Abroad

Hello Pretty People,

As you all know I recently returned from studying abroad in France for 6 weeks. I have to tell you it was the best time of my life. I am not writing this to rub my experience in your face, but to encourage you to be adventurous and live your life to the fullest. If you are thinking about studying abroad or traveling abroad, I say yes. While I was abroad I experienced so many amazing things and I want to share what I learned with all of you. These are just ways, in my opinion, to get the most out of your traveling experience, whether it is study abroad or just leisurely travel.

  1. Say yes to adventure: Here you are on an experience of a lifetime surrounded by amazing opportunities, so make sure you say “yes” often. You will find yourself feeling very tired and sore, especially when you are traveling a lot, but do not miss a great adventure because of sleep. You can catch up on sleep when you are home, but you may not ever get this moment again. Disclaimer: Make moral decisions when saying yes, I do not mean do drugs if they are offered to you. Just do not pass up any opportunity to feel alive.
  2. Embrace every moment: You are going to be experiencing so much, so fast; every now and then make sure you take a moment to really embrace your surroundings. I found myself in a new place almost everyday; you are sweating from walking and tired from nonstop travel, but take a moment to really experience where you are.
  3. Step outside your comfort zone: This relates to the first one, but you will be presented with many new and different experiences that may be out of your typical day-to-day life. Do not be afraid to try them, life in your new country will not always be parallel to your life at home and that’s okay. Push your own limits and stretch your mind to new places.
  4. Make new friends: I met some of the greatest people on my trip to France, I know it was only a few weeks but I have already connected with so many of them. You also will make some of the best friendships if you are traveling in a group from your university. There were people from all over, and every night my little group would meet up with these people to go out together, it was amazing. These people you meet will have different and bright perspectives, take time to listen to their views and learn about them. Also, hanging out with these people from around the world will teach you so much, so do not be afraid to stray from your university friends to hang out with new people. You will have lots of time back home to hang out with them, so take this opportunity to learn from others.
  5. Be open minded: Studying abroad is amazing, but it can also be very tough. It is a mental and physical challenge, you will encounter many new and different experiences and you have to be adaptable to these changes. Being open minded to these changes will only help you in the end. On my trip I lived with a host family and this was the biggest challenge for me, I did not know much French when I arrived and I knew there would be a couple awkward moments. But, I kept an open mind and realized that I would not always know words, but in the end I learned to communicate well with my host mom and it turned out to be one of my favorite parts of the experience.

Overall, any form of traveling is the greatest wealth you can gain. You gain new ideas, inspirations and perspectives from your experiences. I know that I have never felt more alive than when I did when I was in France. Everyday was a new day to experience something great, some days I could not even process how lucky and alive I was. This is another underlying lesson that will be carried over aside from the ones above, living life to the fullest. Everyone in this world exists, but not many people live. Everyday is truly a gift and people need to realize that more often, embrace the moments that matter and leave the small stuff behind. Traveling makes all the little problems in your life seem smaller.

If you have even contemplated on traveling or studying abroad, I encourage you to take the leap and step outside of your comfort zone. It is the best way to find yourself and experience amazing things. It can be a costly endeavor but it is worth every penny, I promise.

Thank you all for reading this post. If you have ever studied abroad or have your own travel lesson to share, please feel free to post it in the comments below. I’d love to hear my readers thoughts. I hope this was helpful to you, if you are considering study abroad. I know that returning from France a small piece of me is forever there. Traveling can be difficult because you will never be home again because a small part of you will always be in the places you travel. Thank you again for reading!

Happy Friday, Cuties.

xo, Lyss


Paris & Fashion Update

Bonjour Cuties,

It’s been a couple days since I arrived in France and it has been quite crazy since I arrived. The first day was super long and it felt never ending, which was not a bad thing since I am in the most beautiful city in the world, but it was nice to get to bed that night. The first and second day was spent in Paris, mostly walking around and checking out the popular tourist areas. I still have yet to buy some macaroons but soon!

I am currently headed to Nice where I will be moving in with my host family and starting classes on Tuesday. When I was in Paris I was completely in awe of the fashion, it is just like they describe it, PERFECT! I am in love. I will share of my favorite styles from what I saw later on in this post.

In Paris we visited Montamarte, the Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame, and le Jardin du Tuilleries; along with a couple other stops while walking. We will be returning to Paris towards the end of the trip and we will spend more time adventuring to new places.

Saturday night a couple of the girls and I went out for some drinks (I’m legal here, parents!) at the bar L’Autre Etoile (The Other Star), and the bartenders were so fun. They even gave us a free shot before we left to cheers to us for our journey to Nice, we are hoping to return when we come back to Paris. I also got to try a Cosmopolitan, felt like Carrie Bradshaw, but it was c’etait bon. (It was good!) It was a fun way to really kick off our adventure.

This is all so crazy, the moment the plane landed at Charles de Galle my heart became so full; it’s hard to sleep here because you do not want to miss one moment. I hope all of my readers have the chance to visit this beautiful country one day. I am absolutely in love with the people, the fashion and the wine.

Now, let’s talk fashion!

Boyfriend Style: The “stealing from your boyfriend’s closet” look is a big thing here, and I love it. I have so far seen women wearing baggy shirts with boyfriend jeans, or rolled jean shorts. I have also seen the mixture of boyfriend style with a little feminine touch, it is so chic. I love that French women can wear baggy, masculine clothes but make them so feminine and badass all at the same time. Lipstick is important in this sense, wear your boyfriends’ shirt but then throw on some lipstick and call it good.

Athletic Shoes w/ Tout le Choses: Athletic shoes with everything, and I mean everything. I left my converse at home because I figured that was an American college girl style. But, boy was I wrong, converse everywhere. No offense to my home girls but they wear them way better! I’ve mostly seen them paired with midi skirts, cigarette pants and dresses. The classic Adidas tennis shoes are also popular. This is actually a super cute style, it is comfort paired with class.

Sweaters: Although it is summer here in France, you can find the locals in Paris carrying around a fashionable sweater for the chill that sweeps through the city. The one style that stood out to me was elbow patches on the sweaters, we have similar styles in America but there were a lot more here; men and women were wearing this style. It is also very chic!

Midi Dresses: These are starting to be more popular in the larger cities in America, but they have been popular here for a while. I have seen these paired with athletic styled shoes as well.

Trench Coats: Once again, it may be summer but that doesn’t stop the French from throwing on a trench coat for the morning commute. It can be chilly in the morning and evening in Paris, so this light jacket is popular amongst the fashionable crowd.

Button-Ups & Black Distressed Jeans: This is one of my favorite style and I have seen it everywhere in Paris. It is an easy, casual way to still look chic and classy. As I mention in the first style, button downs are very popular and they are worn with lots of different things. I think this is one style I will for sure be reflecting this fall when I return.

Here are my outfits that I have worn so far:

Day one:  I was wearing my Lululemon leggings and grey tee at the airport and through our traveling, but when we went out for dinner and to the Eiffel Tower the first day I changed to a dress from the store Garage.

Day two: The second day had a lot of walking in the toasty sun, therefore I figured a pair of olive green shorts with a black tank top would be most comfortable for the day. I also brought along my chambray button up because it started as chilly morning.

Day three: Today I met my host family and spent my morning on the train to Nice, so my outfit was trying to be both cute and comfortable. So I wore my light washed denim shorts with a classic white button up, this was a look I stole from the streets of Paris. I do not have picture for this look, I became very hot after unpacking and walking to my host family’s home so I was unable to get a picture.

Thank you all for reading this post today, I will hopefully have another sooner than later once I get settled in here in Nice. Keep up with my adventures on Instagram @betweenvogue_vangogh and subscribe if you want to catch more adventures here. See you soon readers!


Xo, Lyss


What’s in My Carry-On?


Hello Cuties,

Today I am going to share with you the second part of my packing journey, which includes packing my carry-on bag for the long plane ride. Packing a carry-on is very important because this bag is for the most important items and plan B if your luggage is lost. (Crossing my fingers that does not occur.)

Most airlines allow you to bring a checked bag (check my last post regarding that here) under 50 lbs., a carry-on (dimensions are different for all airlines) and a personal item. ( purse, backpack, etc.) For my carry-on I am using a North Face backpack that includes a laptop compartment. I think this will be the best for once we arrive in Paris because a backpack is easier to carry and provides organization when looking for important documents.

I am going to share a packing list that I grabbed from Pinterest and found to be very helpful for when packing a carry-on. It has a lot on there and you can tailor this to your own preferences.

Free Travel Check list

Now for my mini guide to packing your carry on:

Essentials for your carry-on/personal item include airline tickets, foreign currency/cash, phone, passport and all important travel cards. (Overseas insurance, credit card, other ID’s, etc.) Also packing your medications in your carry-on is important and you must have them in original packaging. Keep all these items handy and accessible at all times.

Toiletries are also something to pay attention to; you want to be sure they are under the 3 oz requirement and they are all permitted. For example, certain aerosol sprays are not, check your airline for details. In my carry-on I am bringing a tooth brush, tooth paste, shampoo & conditioner, make up wipes, dry shampoo and deodorant. I purchased these carry-on approved items at Meijers, they have a great selection of these items.Processed with VSCO with m3 preset


Electronics are key to keeping you sane on the long flight. For my electronics, I packed my iPhone, laptop, portable charger and headphones. If you have a tablet that would suffice for a laptop or you can bring both. It is all up to your discretion. Since I have my blog to keep up with I am just bringing my laptop. It’s important for you to carry these expensive items with you anyway because this lessens the chance of something happening to them. Oh, I am also packing my GoPro in my carry-on as well, this is how I will be making documented videos of all my adventures from start to finish. Don’t forget chargers either! Laptop, phone and camera chargers or fresh batteries. I am packing two memory cards for my GoPro, that way I have a backup card. I will also throw my converters and adapters in my carry-on, just to be safe.

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Other Entertainment may include a favorite book or magazine, a journal and pens, and maybe some other things. I will be bringing the book Girl Boss and my new travel journal that says “say yes to new adventures”. Along with that I will probably nap and watch movies to surpass time.

Clothes & beauty products that I may take, aside from my toiletries, include a small make up bag and some extra clothes for the first day in Paris. I was told to pack my carry-on as if I were going to lose my luggage, therefore be sure you have at least one other outfit tucked in there and some other important items. I also plan to bring a scarf, even though it is a toasty summer, a scarf can work as a blanket, make shift pillow and a fashion piece.

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For my outfit on departure day I plan to wear a plan grey tee and my favorite Lululemon leggings, paired with my Sanuk sandals and the scarf I mentioned. I will also be wearing all my expensive and important jewelry because in the event that my luggage is lost, they will be safe. This is just basically my Pandora bracelet and favorite rings. (the TSA is going to love me!)

A few other tips that friends have told me are things like wearing your heaviest pair of shoes to the airport because then it takes up less weight and space in your luggage. Another friend told me to tie my tennis shoes to my backpack, she says you may look weird but you just saved room in your suitcase from wearing one pair and tying the other. Both very great ideas that I am considering while packing for my adventure.

Always remember to pack smart, it’s very easy to get carried away when packing but avoid this at all costs. You will thank yourself later. Also, it will be more fun to pack less and buy new things in the country you are traveling to. You may find a new favorite and you won’t have to worry about the airport security and luggage requirements. Packing can be tough but throw on some music, make a packing list and get it done.

I appreciate you all so much for reading this post and I hope it is helpful when it comes to your packing nightmares. Now is the time to subscribe to my blog, as I am leaving the country and Somewhere Between Vogue & Van Gogh is going to be changing. Please stay tuned & Happy Monday.

Keep shining.

xo, Lyss 

Monday Quote:


Packing for 6 Weeks in France

Hello Beautiful Souls,

Starting with some quick announcements: I got my laptop back and that means no more delays on posting. I am leaving for France next week (a more detailed post regarding that next week) and this will be the first of many legit France related posts to come for the next 7 weeks. When you are searching for these post check out the Travel category to find them all. Thanks, but let’s get started on “Packing for 6 Weeks in France”.

Packing is and has been my biggest struggle; there are so many requirements and limits that it gives me anxiety. This post is going to mainly focus on what’s in my checked baggage. This will include clothes, shoes and some odds & ends.

If you are about to travel or you are studying abroad this summer too, I hope this post will give you some guidance when it comes to packing. For my study abroad, we will be doing a lot of walking and traveling, along with home stays where we will also have some down time. So, my suitcase is going to look a little crazy with clothes across all spectrum’s.

But, here is a break down of my packing list:

Dresses & Rompers:


I have packed a lot of dresses and rompers for this trip, mainly because they are cute and light-weight, so they do not take up too much space in your suitcase and they are easy to style. I will probably wear these to dinners and to my morning class. Nice (pronounced niece) will be very hot and dresses are a great way to stay cool and look great! I am so excited to wear all of my dresses.



As you can see, I am bringing a variety of different shirt styles; this is the best way to be versatile with your clothes. Instead of bring 20 different cute shirts, I am bring a few basic, neutral colored shirts that can be worn on a hike or to dinner with friends. Sticking to the basics is the best way to keep your suitcase light and your wardrobe fresh, especially in France. Forever 21 has a great selection of basic tanks and tees, as well as American Eagle. 



I am also bringing a variety of shorts. Currently I have 5 pairs of shorts packed; 2 jean shorts, 2 boho styled shorts and the black dressy ones above. I have to be a little more conscious about the length of my shorts when I am traveling because I do not want to be uncomfortable nor do I want to be bothered by men. There are cultural differences between France & the U.S., therefore my bonfire daisy dukes won’t cut it. I have a lot of room to work with when I have different styles of shorts. Boho shorts are also light weight for packing!


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Shoes are super important for traveling, they must be comfortable but also cute. Pictured above are 3 pairs of shoes that I am taking, along with Nike tennis shoes that are not pictured. The brown strappy sandals will be for short periods of time like dinners or grabbing coffee. The black ones in the middle are Sanuk brand sandals that are super comfy, they are made out of yoga mat material and the straps are not too constricting on your little toes. Lastly, the white canvas shoes are by Roxy and they are also very comfortable for walking. I love all of these shoes and I hope they keep my feet comfy for 6 weeks.

Other Stuff:

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When traveling overseas you are going to need a few things that are not required in domestic travel. Such as adapters & converters, foreign currency and some guide books to assist you. I picked up these two books at Barnes & Noble and they have already been a huge help in preparing me to be fully immersed in French. I exchanged some US Dollars at my local bank for these Euros, which is said to have one of the better exchange rates. I borrowed and bought the adapters and converters. Be sure you check on the electricity requirements in the country you are traveling to. Also, check the volts in your electronic devices to see if they are compatible. I will share an informative video here that helped me decide.

Some other clothing items I packed include pajamas, comfy shorts, underwear, a pair of jeans and a sweater for any cooler weather. I also did not include my exact toiletries in this post because those are usually pretty standard and they vary person to person. My professor advised that we do not bring full sized items and just purchase them when we get there, and that is another reason I am not sharing that because all my toiletries are tiny ones. I will however share that on my post next week in What’s in My Carry-On?

I hope this post was informative for you and you also got a peek of my clothes for France. I had fun doing this post too! I am happy to have my laptop back though, there shouldn’t be anymore delays on posts after this. Thank you for sticking with me and checking out my newest posts. Don’t forget to subscribe before I leave, so you can catch all my travel updates right here. Happy Friday.

Cheers to the Weekend.

xo, Lyss

Quote of the Day:



Go Out More Often (GOMO)

Hello there Cuties,

Summer is just kicking off and the sun is shining bright, how are you going to get out and make the most of these hot summer days?

Don’t have a clue? Don’t know where to start? How about here…

This summer I plan to break the FOMO (fear of missing out) and start the GOMO (going out more often), what about you? I am going to share some of my favorite summer activities and events, as well as some new things I have yet to try. I’ll share both expensive & affordable events, events that are friendly for families or young adults. Don’t miss out on the summer heat, fill your schedule with more outdoor activities and less sitting behind a screen. The world is your playground, eventually your phone will die and all you will have is the world.





To break my FOMO, I am studying abroad this summer because my heart is seeking a new crazy adventure. I will be studying the French language and culture for 6 weeks in France, traveling from city to city and living with different French families. This will give me the full French experience and change my life. Spending time in the Mediterranean and The City of Lights (Paris) will for sure break that FOMO. Although this trip is the ultimate GOMO, this may be a little extreme for your budget but I will share some of my favorite ways to get out of the house and how you can enjoy every moment this summer.


Traveling is the best way to really get out, it not only fills the void of travel in your adventurous heart but it fills your soul with happiness. Traveling breaks barriers and comfort zones. It challenges your mind and forces you to adapt to cultural differences. This is the ultimate way to get out, it feeds your soul. So how can you get out on that tight budget?

Small trips: This will all depend on your location but for me, in Michigan, a weekend road trip up north is the perfect trip. Find a hidden gem in your state and make a weekend trip to it. Last summer I traveled up north to Lake Leelanau and made a stop at Suttons Bay. It was a mother daughter trip that was super fun. We took a bike trip along the lake coast, enjoyed ice cream on the bay and found some hidden towns along M22. (M22 is a famous road for the adventurous Michiganders!)

Research your states parks, large lakes and popular places to visit then make a quick weekend trip. You can go camping (most affordable, especially in a group), you could do a house swap with a friend that lives else where or you can split a hotel. There are many possibilities!

Big trips (with a budget): Well, I recently shared an example of this in my post New York City for $500, Please. Traveling farther away does come with a price but through networking and planning helps. Carpool, split costs & make a travel budget. I’ll add more info on ways to budget, save and travel when you’re young below.

Traveling on a Budget | Traveling in your 20’s | Forbes-Saving for a Big Trip


Local events can be the perfect way for the average person to get out on a daily basis, as much fun as traveling is, it does come with a steep price.

Checking out some local events will get you out of the stuffy house and into the beautiful sunshine, even just for a couple of hours. Getting involved locally can be very rewarding as well, you can support local small businesses and get to know your community at a deeper level. Here are a few of my favorite local events and spots:

Farmers market: There are multiple farmers markets in the Grand Rapids area, and this year I plan on exploring most of them. Farmers markets are in nearly every city, if not in your exact city check surrounding areas. My super tiny hometown started one just last year and it is perfect. There is plenty to see and it’s right on our local lake. It’s the perfect way to spend a quite Saturday morning. Find farmers markets near you by looking online.

Here are some of the favorites in the Grand Rapids area:

Fulton Street Market | Downtown Market GR | Holland Farmers Market | Michigan Farmers Markets

Museum: You may be turning your head at this one because who wants to spend time at a museum? Well, many museums put on events weekly and they are either free or very affordable. Plus, you may have never even explored your local history.

Check out my local museums:

Grand Rapids Art Museum (GRAM) | Grand Rapids Public Museum | Grand Rapids Children Museum

Beach: What better way to spend a hot summer day then at the beach? In Michigan, we are lucky to have miles and miles of lake shore to spend our time, but if that is not the case for you maybe find a local pool to catch some rays at.

For me, I love exploring the beaches along the coast of Lake Michigan. They are usually the most beautiful. Don’t know which Michigan beach to check out?

Here are 19 of the best beaches: Best Michigan Beach Towns

Concerts: Yes, concerts can be pricey but if you look for local talent the tickets are usually a little more affordable. You may want to check out those tickets for the Selena Gomez concert, but if you look at a local venue you may find a new favorite band at a more affordable price. This can also be fun if you want a night out with some friends, you can purchase a cheap ticket and either love the music you find or make fun of it and get a laugh out of the experience. I have loved the cheap concerts that I have attended, they are usually the best shows and the artists are more personable.

Here are my local venues:

The Pyramid Scheme | The Intersection  | The Orbit Room

Cafe hopping: A favorite activity of mine is trying out different cafes, in my area this is very easy to do. Grand Rapids offers an extensive list of cafes to try, there is one for everyone’s taste. Beyond coffee shops, you can explore smoothie bars or brewery’s if you are of age. My city also has an extensive choice of brewery’s, beer city USA.

Here are my favorite cafes:

The Lantern Coffee Bar | Madcap Coffee Co.  | SIP Organic Juice Bar


Events differ from city to city, but I am going to give you just a couple examples that I attended this past year. Events change season to season, so be sure you check out event planning sites like Eventbrite, they sell tickets to events worldwide and you can research local events based on your location.

This past year I attended a couple of fashion shows, an art exhibit opening, ArtPrize and a few others. ArtPrize is a known art event across the world, it takes place right near me (LUCKY!!) in Grand Rapids. This is one you have to for sure check out! I never knew about these events until I did some research and networking.

You can find more ways to get out this summer by clicking here and checking out Eventbrite. I found great events to attend through this company and you can too!

Let’s make FOMO a thing of the past and start getting out more. Life is too short to let it pass you by on the couch, don’t be jealous of other peoples lives, just make your life as amazing. I think FOMO began since social media has taken off, we watch people post these perfect pictures and instantly feel low about your own life. Change that!

Get out, meet up with friends, smile more and worry less. GOMO is the new FOMO, next time you see a post on Instagram and you feel “left out”, get out and do something that feeds your soul.

new world.jpg


Thank you all for reading this post, it was in collaboration with Eventbrite’s summer GOMO project, that I love! I hope this post has inspired you to hope of that couch, turn off your phone and spend your hard-earned cash on something meaningful rather than material items. Life is truly too short, don’t miss out anymore! Summer is just beginning and now is your chance to plan some amazing trips and attend some new events. Thanks again for reading, subscribe below if you enjoyed this post and want to see more!

Happy Fri-yay!



Sip Organic Juice Bar | Grand Rapids

Good Morning Readers,

I have a cute little review-style post for you today about this amazing juice bar in Eastown GR called Sip. This was my first juice bar experience and I loved it. I have been thinking about starting to incorporate more smoothies into my diet, they are not only super tasty but healthy as well. The smoothie I had at Sip was filled with a bunch of great ingredients that boost your immune system and give you energy. The smoothie was called “Purple Rain” and it was a blend of blueberry, coconut meat, maca and many other incredible ingredients.


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If you live in the Grand Rapids area I highly recommend Sip Organic Juice Bar. It’s perfect if you are looking for a healthy snack after a workout or if you have ever considered doing a juice cleanse. They have complete packages that include all you need to start and be successful. Their menu includes Juices, Smoothies, Elixirs, Acai Bowls and some other great choices. They also sell local product like Boxed Water. Next to all the extensive choices on the menu, the atmosphere is so relaxed and comfortable. They play awesome music and a fresh aroma fills the air. The barista’s are young and cool to talk to as well. I cannot wait to visit again.

| Check out their website here>>> Sip Organic Juice Bar |

I, of course, went with my good friend Tessa from The Petite Prep and we both fell in love with the place. We are planning to attend hot yoga one day and grab some fresh juice after, I will be sure to share this experience on my new Instagram account (Follow me here @betweenvogue_vangogh) or my Twitter (Follow @Vogue_VanGogh). Following these accounts will bring you more information on events I’ll be covering and daily inspiration.

In regards of upcoming events, I will be attending a Fashion Show that is put on by Kendall College of Art & Design (KCAD) this weekend. This is why it is important to follow me on social media so you can catch all the action on my timeline. I may try to use Periscope but I have never used the app, but let me know if any of you would be interested in that. I have some other exciting events coming up as well but you will have to stay connected to learn more.

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I hope you all are inclined to visit Sip or maybe make your own smoothie at home, either way share this post if you loved it. Thank you all for reading today!

Happy Wednesday.



Windsor, Canada


Hello Readers,

I hope you all have had a relaxing spring break, if you are on a break, or a productive week if not. As I stated in my last post, this post was going to be in a surprise place. Yesterday, I ended up traveling to Windsor, Canada with my boyfriend and family. It was a short trip across the border but still super fun. I recommend this trip to anyone looking for something to do but in a crunch for time. You obviously have to have a passport or enhanced license, but it’s worth the extra money to have that on hand anyway.

We got a room at Caesars Windsor Hotel, which had a beautiful view of the Detroit River and the city skyline. We, of course, were there for the casino part of the hotel but it was a very accommodating hotel. We did not get to visit the pool, but we will on our next trip. Since the drinking age in Canada is 19, I was able to walk right up to the bar and order a drink, this was a fun touch to the trip.

As you know, I am not like a normal college that drinks often but this was a fun experience. Although I struggled to find a drink I really liked, it was nice to have the freedom to order what I wanted. I am already planning to return in August with a group of friends to celebrate my boyfriends birthday, I cannot wait.

This quick trip was such a fun little getaway for me, it was relatively inexpensive (minus the gambling) and it was relaxing. Something about the city lights at night relaxes me.I am so happy I was able to take this trip with the people I love.

If you went anywhere for spring break I would love to hear about it on Twitter or in the comments below. I am working on some new projects for you guys and I cannot wait to show you all. If you want to be the first to know subscribe below or find my page on Facebook Vogue and Van Gogh. 

Thank you all for reading this little post today. I cannot believe the weather recently, it makes me so inspired to bring you guys the best content. Keep reading, and share the posts you like to help me grow. I appreciate the support!


