Just a Thought From Yours Truly.

Hello Beautiful Readers,

Happy Monday and once again I apologize for my absence lately, it’s been a busy two weeks. But, I am almost finished with my Sophomore year of college and it’s been crazy. So many things have changed since August, it’s almost unreal. This change has been bittersweet, there has been things that I thought would never end the way they did (cheer) and there are things that I could not be more happy to have left behind. (toxic friends)

My life this semester has been quite different, but I have found myself being more confident and comfortable with my life. I am not afraid of others thoughts, I can dance in public and careless about what some stranger has to say. It’s a beautiful feeling. Being confident is not always an easy task, hell I have bad days still. For example right now, finals have got me stressed to the max. I have had hardcore writers block along with bad breakouts, my self-confidence is at 0. But, everyday is a new day to wake up and be optimistic about the day.

But, enough about me, the point here is:


Yes, this quote relates to my story because my life was so different only 6 months ago. Where I am today seemed impossible then. But, this quote also relates to finals week too. Finals always seem impossible until they are complete. Although they seem impossible at times, we are forced to take them and in the end we are okay.

I wanted to share this quote because it relates to both a large and small scale. On a large scale, you could be feeling stuck in a deep rut that feels never ending and impossible but before you know it you will beyond the tough times. On a small scale like finals, it can seem so stressful and terrible, but once they are complete and grades are in you find ease once again.

The moral of the story here is that no matter what the obstacle may be, big or small, attack it head on everyday because although it may seem quite impossible it is truly possible if you believe. That sounds completely cheesy, but if you give yourself the chance to be great you will. Don’t set yourself to the standards of society, be comfortable with who you want to be and believe that you are greater than you know.

I’ve been telling one of my best friends this the past couple of weeks because I often hear her degrade herself based on how other women look, when she is by far one of the prettiest people I know. She does not wear lots of make up and she has such a classic style, I admire that. Girls think they have to cake on make up to be pretty and while she is more worried about her thighs, I am jealous over how pretty she looks naturally. Basically, it’s a never ending cycle.

Find your self-confidence and break out of your comfort zone because that’s when you will find yourself doing things you once thought were impossible. Once again, I’m no expert and I don’t think any of us will ever be. The take away here is just to try. Start each day with affirmations, surround yourself with good people and be inspired by the world.

Remember, what seems impossible today will one day be your warm up.

Thanks for reading today and I hope your Monday was far from crappy. Stay tuned for a post coming later this week about a little downtown adventure to close this wonderful semester. Thanks again.





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