#GirlBoss [Wendy Miles]

Hello Beautiful Readers,

I am starting a new series on my blog called #GirlBoss, where I will highlight a different woman every week [or every other week]. These women are women who live a life that inspires and empowers others. They are women that are hard working and set examples to women around the world. I cannot wait to begin this segment of my blog, I think it will not only be inspiring but hopefully motivating to other women. I hope you all like it as well, let’s get started with our first ever #GirlBoss.

Our first #GirlBoss is the beautiful and inspiring Wendy Miles from Hawaii. Let’s ask her a few questions…

1. What’s your daily life like? Share a little bit about yourself.

Aloha! I am a Wife to Brett Miles, Mom to Emmalynn Miles [& my puppy, Remington], Army Nurse Officer, & now Health & Fitness Coach. My main hobby is being with my family, & watching Miss Emmalynn grow into this beautiful, smart toddler! When I am not at work or with my family exploring this beautiful island of Hawaii, I am working with others to help them reach their health & fitness goals! I am passionate about living a healthy lifestyle & helping others. Of course, as a Health & Fitness Coach, I want to inspire others by working just as hard as them [if not harder] & show them that it is possible to find ways to be healthy when you are busy or lacking on money. Everyday is a new adventure for me as I learn more about myself through personal development books & learning to balance everything that is important to me in life.

2. What inspires you?

EVERYTHING! I literally have changed so much in the last couple of months in terms of thinking positive & seeing the good in people. Reading personal development books really help me focus on building my confidence, because I am constantly growing personally & professionally. I have come to the conclusion that I would rather be respected than liked! This has been a process of development that I know I will continue to work on forever. Nothing is worth getting so upset about that you can’t concentrate on all the good in life. Positive vibes will spread like wildflower- & it is important to remember that leadership traits are not something you are born with, but something that you can learn, change & grow as time goes on! My husband has been my biggest fan in anything & everything I do. He stands by me & encourages me to be a better person. He has currently lost 77 pounds with a full time job & working as a real estate agent then with our move to Hawaii, I couldn’t be more proud of him sticking to his goals. He is the most fantastic father & husband. He continues to push me to reach my goals & supports me everyday. BUT ultimately, my biggest inspiration/mentor is the vision God gave me for what was possible if I let go of my excuses & simply got to work!

3. What is a morning or daily ritual you have?

We all have the same 24 hours in a day & the same 7 days in a week. I can tell you that I am not superwoman… I WISH!  I definitely make decisions each day about what is most important based on what I need to accomplish for the day.  I can’t humanly do it all and be everything to everyone so I pick what is the most important and I just accept that this is what I can do!  Every night I go to bed and tell myself, I couldn’t of done a fingertip more!  That is ENOUGH for me! Ask my husband, I wake up at the crack of dawn & I go to bed late.

Work Days:
0400 Wake Up, Work out, Get Ready, Eat Breakfast
0620 Head to work until 2000 [8:00pm-ISH because depends on my patients that day]
Shower, Dinner, Talk to my Family, Put Emmalynn to bed & work on some Coaching work, Bed.

Home Days:
0500 Wake Up [Usually], Work out, Get Ready, Eat Breakfast, Clean the House, Coaching work.
Then – Spend the day with my Family [Hiking, Shopping, Driving around the Island, Beach, Park, Walks, etc]
Home to cook dinner, Movie/TV, Coaching Work, Bed.
Boring, I know but on Brett & I have off we usually wake up work out, eat then we become tourist here on the island & go to the beach or hike!

4. Favorite quote?

“If you know me based on a year ago then you don’t know me at all. My growth game is STRONG. Allow me re-introduce myself.”
This quote, hits the nail right on the head! I am a totally different person than I was a year ago. Having Emmalynn gave me a new outlook on life. She makes me want to be a better person. I want her to grow up & look to me as her role model. I want her to know that I value my family, my life, & my faith above all else. I want her to grow up being confident, kind & strong & it starts by feeling & acting in those ways myself.

5. Career or life advice?

Be POSITIVE & don’t be quick to judge. You must be ready to face your biggest obstacle to become successful & that is – YOU! It takes getting over yourself & having the willingness to step out of your comfort zone to help others along the way to succeed in anything.


If you want to learn more about Wendy or connect with her personally check out her Facebook page and add her as a friend. Wendy is also hosting a FREE clean eating challenge, like her page to figure out details now. 

>>Add Wendy as a Friend | Follow her page <<<

Wendy attended the same high school as me and we have been Facebook friends for awhile now. I love seeing her posts and she has been inspiring me in my fitness goals recently. I was so happy to reach out to her and have her be my first #GirlBoss because she definitely deserves it, from being an army nurse to a mommy & wife, these are jobs that take a lot of dedication. I really hope you guys check out her page because she is amazing.

This was the first ever #GirlBoss and I cannot wait to continue with these, I hope you all loved reading it as much as I loved writing it. There are so many women out there that go unrecognized for their accomplishments and hard work, I want to help highlight these women and let them know they are inspiring others. I really want you all to share this post and give Wendy some love. Let’s start lifting each other up, rather than tearing each other own. I loved doing this post and there is another one coming for next week, stay tuned. (A.K.A. Subscribe below) Thank you all for reading today!

Monday inspiration: 


Happy Monday.





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