Saturday Adventure: Coffee & Conversation

Hello Readers,

Today I spent my morning with a great friend, first we grabbed coffee at a super cute coffee shop and talked for a couple of hours. Then we walked around and grabbed a bite to eat at a gastro pub, the food was amazing and filled with flavor. I found this little date to be very awesome, we had such great conversations and shared so much. It had been awhile since we last hung out and we left off on weird terms. I am so glad we were able to catch up and reconnect over my favorite addiction: coffee.


Finding great friends who are able to have great conversations is a priceless puzzle piece to my life. It is so hard to find people these days that want to talk about real stuff, rather than people and things but the bigger picture. This morning we carried on about the future, success and the world around us. I get so bored with having conversations about people and parties. I value a good conversation over many other material things. Today was so important to me because I was beginning to feel like I did not have any friends that valued the same things as me but sometimes a good talk and a strong espresso can really change your perspective.

I encourage my readers to be adventurous this year, you do not always have to spend a lot of money to find it. Grab a friend and go to a new coffee shop, or take a hike on the beach. ( yes, even in the winter) Life is about our experiences, find good people and make great memories. Today, do something that will make your heart happy. Sometimes it’s okay not to worry about the money and splurge a little bit. Today I spent $21 and it was very well worth it. It was a great way to start my year and semester and I can’t wait to do it more. Be risky, if you meet an interesting person in class ask them to be your study or to grab coffee. The worst thing they can say is no. Be less fearful of being rejected and put yourself out there. It can be scary to be vulnerable and you never want to feel stupid, but in 20 years is it really still going to be embarrassing that someone turned you down for coffee. Probably not.

This post is slightly different than my usual takes but I just want to remind readers everyday to take risks, be adventurous and reconnect with old friends. Do what makes your heart happy and things will fall into place. Go forth with passion and you will find your way from there. Never be afraid to feel uncomfortable; be comfortable with being uncomfortable. That is the best way to put it. 

Thank you for reading today! Once again this one was a little different but I may start doing this more. If you are interested in the stops we made today and are close to the Grand Rapids area, I highly recommend these places. Please share if you enjoyed it and leave your comments below. I appreciate all the love I have received from you all in recent posts and I hope I can continue to please you. Thank you all!!

~Rowster Coffee | Greenwell~




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